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Guidelines for Commenting on Blog Articles

Blog Staff
06/28/15 | 1 min read

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints encourages a civil, respectful dialogue in the comment section of the blog. The intended purpose of the comment section is to connect fellow readers and to provide a forum for thoughtful commentary and inspiring insight about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We encourage comments that:

  • Have a positive, welcoming, empathetic, and uplifting tone.
  • Are on topic, clear, and concise.
  • Are respectful toward others and their opinions.
  • Help to bring others to Jesus Christ.

All comments are reviewed by moderators before they are posted. Comments that violate one or more of our guidelines will not be posted. Please carefully read and follow these guidelines:

  • No personal attacks, critical or sarcastic comments, or comments that are antagonistic toward individuals and/or groups.
  • No obscenity, vulgarity, profanity, or implied profanity; acronyms that are shorthand for profanities; name-calling; or epithets or racial slurs.
  • No off-topic comments will be posted. Comments need to relate directly to the attached article.
  • No links to external sites will be posted. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not endorse the content of external websites.
  • Comments must be your own. If you copy and paste from another source, you must give proper attribution. Posting of copyrighted material is not permitted.
  • No commercial promotion or solicitation is allowed.

Blog Staff
The purpose of the blog on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to share the teaching of Jesus Christ through the telling of personal stories and experiences that help to fortify faith in Jesus Christ and His Church.