Stake Presidency

Overview of Responsibilities

All stake presidencies, including those in stakes not attending FSY this upcoming summer, should:

  1. Ensure the stake Young Women and Young Men presidents or YSA stake Relief Society president know of their responsibilities related to FSY.
  2. Encourage qualified YSA to apply to serve as FSY counselors.
  3. Work with your stake Young Women and Young Men presidents and stake and ward youth leadership in determining the best way to extend the FSY experience beyond the 5-day conference.

Stake presidencies in stakes attending FSY this upcoming summer should:

  1. Ensure wards budget $75 USD ($100 CAD) for each youth attending FSY in the ward’s Budget-FSY category. Funding to subsidize any youth who is unable to pay the participant fee should also be held in the ward’s Budget-FSY category. For more information, see Billing Information.
  2. Encourage:
    • bishoprics to approve youth to attend FSY before January 1.
    • youth to register for FSY (registration opens in January of the year your stake is invited to attend) and to make a special effort to reach out and invite new members, less-active members, and people of other faiths.
    • parents to make FSY a priority in their summer activities.
  3. If sufficient members live within your stake boundaries, please consider calling a stake disability specialist to support youth with disabilities.
  4. Support and participate in stake FSY activities before and after the session(s) your stake is assigned to attend.
  5. Give youth opportunities to share their experience from FSY at a stake conference, activity, or devotional.

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