thou shalt surely die, Gen. 2:17 (Moses 3:17).
dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return, Gen. 3:19 (Moses 4:25).
life of the flesh is in the blood, Lev. 17:11.
mayest prolong thy days upon the earth, Deut. 4:40.
all that a man hath will he give for his life, Job 2:4.
after my skin worms destroy this body, Job 19:26.
shall lie down alike in the dust, Job 21:26.
What is man, that thou art mindful of him, Ps. 8:4.
he remembered that they were but flesh, Ps. 78:39.
he remembereth that we are dust, Ps. 103:14.
dust return to the earth, Eccl. 12:7.
All flesh is grass, Isa. 40:6 (James 1:10; 1Â Pet. 1:24).