Young Men and Leaders outside the Accra Ghana Temple

Where Do We Start as Leaders?

Primary Leaders

1. Read An Introductory Guide for Parents and Leaders.

2. Start with yourself. Fill out the discovery activity found in the Introductory Guide for Children and Youth. As you experience discovery for yourself, you can better support those you are called to mentor and love.

3. Counsel with the children and their parents to understand their needs. Help them see the power and potential of this new focus in assisting them to become more like the Savior.

4. Plan fun activities based upon the individual and family needs of the children in each activity group. Engage them in learning important skills, exploring new interests, building relationships with their peers, and using their abilities to serve others. Primary activities are generally held two to four times per month, where practical. If travel distance and costs, time constraints on family, children’s safety, and other local circumstances make this impractical, Primary activities may be held less frequently. When numbers allow, have boys and girls meet separately.

5. Get everyone excited about the November 17 Face to Face event with Elder Gerrit W. Gong. This will be a fun, engaging event during which more details and resources will be announced.

Young Men and Young Women Leaders

1. Read An Introductory Guide for Parents and Leaders.

2. Start with yourself. Fill out the discovery activity found in the Introductory Guide for Children and Youth. As you experience discovery for yourself, you can better support those you are called to mentor and love.

3. Talk with youth. Talk to the youth you are called to support. Help them see the power and potential of this new focus in assisting them to become more like the Savior. Share your personal experiences in working on your individual growth.

4. Counsel with your quorum or class presidency. Discuss how this new initiative can bless each member of the class or quorum. Talk about their roles in encouraging gospel learning, involving quorum or class members in planning fun and engaging activities, and supporting each member of their class or quorum in individual goals and growth.

5. Get everyone excited about the November 17 Face to Face event with Elder Gerrit W. Gong. This will be a fun, engaging event during which more details and resources will be announced. Encourage presidency members to invite every member of the quorum or class to attend.