Home Evening Goal Setting

Do you need a kick-start or a refresher on the new Children and Youth program? You’ll have the chance to revisit and reevaluate existing goals and create new goals during Home Evening Goal Setting, which will help you as you strive to become more like the Savior and progress on the covenant path. Learn the principles of effective goal setting and planning using the four areas of focus (social, intellectual, spiritual, and physical), as outlined in the Personal Development Youth Guidebook. Setting goals will provide direction to help you make wise choices, accomplish good, and reach your full potential and eternal destination. Your counselor will assist you in setting company and personal goals that will promote company unity, service, and spiritual growth.

“The Savior is our example in all things. We study His life and mission and teachings because He is everything we aspire to become. But since each of us is unique, we each have attributes and skills that we need to develop to become like Him. . . . The goals we each set to move forward on the covenant path will be different, but together we will be learning and growing and drawing closer to our Savior.”

Bonnie H. Cordon, Children and Youth: Starting Strong, Ensign, Jan. 2020

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