Find a Better Job: Talk with God, Not at Him

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We all follow our unique path in life—a winding path that doesn’t always take us where we envision. There are challenges and changes along the way: layoffs, illnesses, career changes. Sometimes it seems like nothing is secure. 

One thing is for sure: if we look at our temporal decisions with a spiritual perspective, we will more readily adapt to the challenges we face. This doesn’t mean that we just expect our Father in Heaven to ease us through life. We have to do our part. The “Find a Better Job” course provides a meaningful way to take action. Based on input from successful employers, the course teaches practical skills and helps class members learn how to identify potential career opportunities.

Notice how Tamisha first discovered the power of prayer in the process of finding a better job. She got better at networking, and she learned to match her skills to what employers were looking for. She practiced her interview skills with the group, and ultimately she nailed the interview. Along the way, Tamisha learned how to make her prayers more meaningful and relevant. 

Here are a few ways to make personal prayer more effective: 

As we follow Tamisha’s example by working hard to do our part, participating in class, practicing new skills, and going to Heavenly Father often, we too will find ourselves moving forward. 

