Google Reviews for LDS Chapels

This task involves submitting a review of your local meetinghouse to Google. Doing so will help make our local meetinghouses more visible in Google searches for people who are looking for a church to attend. You’ll need a Google account (such as a Gmail e-mail account) in order to submit a Google review. Follow these steps to submit a review for your meetinghouse.

  • Find your local LDS chapel on Google by searching for “lds church” along with your city and state. See the example below for “lds church tacoma washington.”
  • Click the Place page link next to the listing for your chapel to go to the Google Maps page for that location.
  • Click Rate and review to write a review for your meetinghouse. When writing your review, be descriptive about your experience at church. Write a review as if you're inviting someone to church, explaining why they'd enjoy attending. Here is an example:

Have you been able to successfully finish this task? Let us know. Include the address of the chapel for which you submitted a review.
