Family Discovery Day

Presenter Support

Thank you for accepting the invitation to speak at Family Discovery Day.

Family Discovery Day is held each year in conjunction with RootsTech. It is a day of inspirational messages, instructional classes, interactive activities, and exciting entertainment to teach LDS members (ages 8 and up) how to find their ancestors, prepare and take their names to the temple, and teach others to do the same.

In addition to the live event and broadcast, messages and materials from Family Discovery Day will be used to support thousands of local family discovery days in multiple languages around the world throughout the year.

These messages and materials are also used to support the unified message of family history, which was outlined by Elder Cook in the following video:



We have identified several critical milestone dates to ensure we have enough time to create the assets that will be used before, during, and after the event, as well as time to translate materials and prepare for rehearsals.

Important Dates

December 15
Script and Translation Lock
January 11–15
Table Rehearsals
January 15
Final Presentation and Rehearsal Lock
January 18–29
Technical and Staging Rehearsals
February 1–5
Final Dress Rehearsal
February 6
Presentation Day

Presentation Materials

We can help you prepare any assets you need for your presentation, such as videos, animations, illustrations, photographs, or props. Below are examples of some past presentations and derivative assets.


Web Pages


