“Social Media: What Are You Sharing?,” Liahona, Apr. 2023.
Young Adults
Social Media: What Are You Sharing?
We can use social media as a window for others to witness the joy that comes from the gospel.
Illustrations by David Green
What do you share on social media? Do you share what brings you joy? Do you post about your life experiences? Do you seek likes and praise? Most importantly, do you post about the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Sharing the gospel on my mission was such a rewarding experience for me that I wanted to continue doing it after I got home to Peru. But I soon realized that I didn’t have the time I needed to reach all the people I wanted to, like I did on my mission.
So I turned to social media.
I created a blog to share my mission experiences, my thoughts from my weekly Come, Follow Me study, and other gospel-related insights with others. And as I shared my blog, I started receiving sweet messages from friends thanking me for sharing. I didn’t expect that! So then I thought: “Why can’t I do more on social media?” And that’s how my path to creating a gospel-sharing platform on Instagram and YouTube began.
The Secret to Social Media Missionary Work
Sharing your faith on social media doesn’t have to be complicated, but sometimes we may feel scared to share because social media can be filled with judgment, worldly ideas, and superficial posts. Sometimes it feels like the least likely place we should be sharing our faith. But the truth is, it’s because social media is filled with so many fabrications and lies that we need to share the joy and peace and truth we receive as disciples of Jesus Christ.
I often get asked: “Ale, what is your motivation to share the gospel through social media? What’s the secret to sharing it so naturally and relating it to everyday life?” And my answer is always the same: “There is no secret! The key is living the gospel and making it part of my everyday life.”
The more I strive to live the gospel and deepen my faith, the greater my desire is to share it with others. My motivation to dedicate so much time to sharing my testimony with others comes from the spiritual experiences I have with my Heavenly Father.
Through my experiences, I’ve learned that sharing the gospel can be as easy as sharing our daily experiences of being part of the Savior’s fold. I don’t always know if I am affecting anyone by what I share, but I do know that “by small and simple things are great things brought to pass” (Alma 37:6).
The Savior’s Invitation to Share Our Faith
There are people in the world looking for reminders about who they are and why they should keep moving forward with hope. And who could better share these truths than us? As followers of Christ, we know about God’s promises and the wonderful plan He has prepared for His children. Remember, some people are “only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it” (Doctrine and Covenants 123:12)—and we can help them find it.
As Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said:
“Share your experiences in person, on social media, in groups, everywhere.
“One of the last things Jesus told His disciples was that they were to go throughout the world and share the story of the risen Christ. Today we too joyfully accept that great commission.”1
Being disciples of Jesus Christ should encompass our behavior not only in real life but also on social media. When we raise our voice to declare the truths of the gospel, we can fulfill the great responsibility that Jesus Christ has entrusted to us.
Let’s show the world how we make time for the Lord each day, how we face our difficulties and sorrows, and how we find peace. I know that by sharing the things that matter, we will be great instruments in the hands of God to gather Israel.
Heavenly Father needs us. Let’s stop hiding behind our screens and instead use them to connect with others. Let’s be a part of His work and post about not what but Who gives us joy—our Savior, Jesus Christ.