Take Care of Your Things.

Take Care of Your Things.

Taking care of the things you and your family have will help them stay in good condition and last longer. It can also help us to be self-reliant.

Idea #1: Teach the children about why it is important to keep their schoolwork or other important papers organized. Help them decorate a binder or box to keep their papers in a safe place.

Idea #2: Find a way to help clean or organize your meetinghouse. Consider cleaning the toys used in the nursery or repairing hymnbooks.

Idea #3: Plan an activity to teach the children how to fix a loose bicycle chain or pump up a flat tire. Let each of the children have hands-on practice.

Set in order your houses; keep slothfulness and uncleanness far from you. —Doctrine and Covenants 90:18

adult and child fixing bike