How to Claim Temple Blessings
July 2016

“How to Claim Temple Blessings,” New Era, July 2016, 48

from Church Leaders

How to Claim Temple Blessings

From a Brigham Young University devotional address given on February 10, 2009.

temple interior

Photograph of the celestial room in the Gilbert Arizona Temple

Temples are houses of the Lord, where our Savior’s teachings are reaffirmed through sacred ordinances such as baptisms for the dead and marriage, which unites families for all eternity.

I would recommend to you that temple worship is an important pattern for each of you to set—individually and as families—as you consider your own areas of focus and attention, as you put in place firm foundations in your life. I know many of you already do this, and for that we are most grateful to you.

The First Presidency has issued an invitation to all the members of the Church, which certainly applies to you and me: “Where time and circumstances permit, members are encouraged to replace some leisure activities with temple service.”1

May we also consider the promised blessings by prophets, seers, and revelators as we faithfully attend the temple. From President Thomas S. Monson comes this promise: “Come to the temple and place your burdens before the Lord and you’ll be filled with a new spirit and confidence in the future. Trust in the Lord, and if you do He’ll hold you and cradle you and lead you step by step along that pathway that leads to the celestial kingdom of God.”2

Another comforting blessing of temple worship is the assurance of protection and peace from the storm that is upon us in our day. Some of the safest places that Heavenly Father has established for the gathering of His people are in the temples of the Lord.

The statement on the outside facade of every temple reads: “Holiness to the Lord / The House of the Lord.” I testify that all of the temples of the Lord are His sanctuaries here upon the earth. I invite all of you to attend more frequently, as your circumstances permit, and claim your blessings and protections that have been promised to you by prophets of God.


  1. First Presidency letter, Mar. 11, 2003.

  2. Thomas S. Monson, quoted in Dell Van Orden, “San Diego Temple: 45th House of the Lord Dedicated in ‘Season for Temple Building,’” Church News, May 8, 1993, 12.
