We’ve Got Mail
February 2007

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Feb. 2007, 48

We’ve Got Mail

We love hearing from you. Write us at the following address. Please include the names of your ward and stake (or branch and district).

New Era

We’ve Got Mail

50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420

Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA

Or e-mail us at newera@ldschurch.org

Submissions may be edited for length and clarity.

Special Issues

I love reading the New Era. It is always cool that I can find something useful in there, and something that applies to me. I really like the special issues—for example, the October 2004 issue on eternal marriage. I think it would be good if there could be one on education.
Kinga W., New Zealand

Perfect Comeback

I was interested in the article “The Perfect Comeback” (Apr. 2006) because I have sometimes been in a situation where someone picks on another person, and I felt like I needed to do something. This article shows how other people in the same situations have done the right thing, and it makes me want to do right. I thank you for putting this article in your magazine.
Joseph A., California

Modesty for Guys

I would like to thank you for putting articles in your magazine regarding modesty and dating. However, I feel that you are too lenient on the guys. I would appreciate it if there were articles on dating and modesty that included that a guy should also dress modestly. We shouldn’t have to avert our eyes because of the way they dress, either. I would like an article about how modesty and grooming for guys affects young women.
Kourtney W., Texas


I just wanted to thank you for the article “Time to Listen.” Jeremy Pownall is a good example to a 13-year-old boy like me. He has goals for his future and is a good example to other people. He is willing to give up body-boarding to serve a mission. He is willing to listen to those a few years ahead of him in life and take their advice. I like to hear stories about other LDS young men. It helps me to focus on my goal of serving a mission and being a good example to those around me. It also helps me focus on keeping myself worthy and not following the crowd.
Jeremy P., Utah

Wanted to Read More

I enjoyed reading the July 2006 New Era very much. For our fifth Sunday of July we were all in class together and played a quiz game with the July New Era stories. The stories were very appealing to me; there was a feeling of spirituality because it was the first time I really read the whole magazine. One story I really liked was “Do You Want to Copy My Homework?” It was about principles and self-control to do the right thing. When I was done, I wanted to read more!
Eric G., Texas

Illustrated by Scott Greer
