September 1984

“Feedback,” New Era, Sept. 1984, 3


Down with sociology

Mom sent me my March issue of the New Era today. I get so excited when it comes because it helps me out so much spiritually when the homework and classes get too heavy. Well, tonight (a Friday night), instead of going to a movie with a friend, I decided I would try to get some studying done. Being the average college student that I am, I put the sociology research methods book down and started reading the New Era. I read it cover to cover! I just could not get back to sociology.

This is my third year in college. The New Era has always helped me get more in tune with the Spirit. Like I say, I look forward to every issue! I hope to be going on a mission soon, and I especially enjoyed the articles in the October and November 1983 issues about the MTC. I am looking forward to serving the Lord, and the New Era has helped me to learn about what missionaries learn and do before they go to their areas. Thanks so much for a wonderful publication.

Elizabeth J. Price
Lebanon, New Jersey

A better person

I am twelve years old. I would like to say thanks for the New Era. I started reading it two years ago. I think it makes me a better person. I have enjoyed the stories so much. Thank you so much for this wonderful book and all the good it does

Wyatt Ross
Bluffdale, Utah

Help, strength, and laughs

We’re two sister missionaries in the Sweden Stockholm Mission, and we look forward to each New Era issue to read, study, and apply to our lives as servants of the Lord. We want to thank you for the March 1984 issue (we got it today and read the whole thing), especially for the Questions and Answers section. It helped us to know how to teach one of our investigators to recognize the answers to prayers. We also got a kick out of the fiction story “Backfire” by Sherrie Johnson. Thanks for the help and strength and laughs we get from each issue.

Sisters Jennett Barlow and Maria Morgan
Sweden Stockholm Mission

I changed

I would like to relate to you an experience that I have had concerning the November 1983 issue of the New Era. I was attending college and was seriously dating a young man who had not gone on a mission. He started having a bad influence on my thoughts and actions. When I received the November issue, I read “Crisis at the Crossroads” by Elder Monson. It reminded me of my duties and responsibilities here on earth and gave me strength to break up with that young man.

From that day on I changed. I set some new goals for myself so I would not fall into the same trap as I had with that previous young man. Not only did it help me, but it was also a positive influence on him. It set him straight. Not long afterwards, he sent in his papers for a mission. I am so thankful for that article and the powerful message it had for me at that time in my life.

Name withheld

The spirit of 76

I subscribe to the Ensign, but I read the New Era regularly before I pass it on to my granddaughter, Shelly Mitchell-Baker. I am 76 years of age, but I enjoy this magazine, partly because it is refreshing to know that there is such a paper for youth to read in a world where there is so much to tempt youth to take the wrong road in life. Shelly is not a member of the Church, but she tells me that she reads the New Era from cover to cover.

Unfortunately, I learned about the Church too late in life to influence my children and grandchildren. One of my sons came under the influence of the missionaries six or seven years ago and joined the Church. He sent me a book called “Spencer W. Kimball.” I had never even heard that name, but I read the book and learned a lot about the Church and the wonderful man our prophet is. It was his example which induced my wife and me to allow the missionaries to talk to us. My son baptized me at 74 years of age! My wife and I are full of regrets that we learned so late in life what the Church stands for. I will continue to try to persuade Shelly to let the missionaries talk to her.

Robert A. Bowen
Prestbury, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

One of the best gifts

I haven’t been reading the New Era for long, but I thoroughly enjoy it. I know it has strengthened my testimony. I got the New Era as a Christmas gift from a teacher. I think it is one of the best presents anyone could give. I will always enjoy it.

Wendy Hanchett
Flagstaff, Arizona


I wanted to write and tell you what an excellent magazine the New Era is. The articles have inspired me to do well in all areas. They have also helped me to realize how important it is to prepare for my mission. Please know that the New Era is getting results.

Shane Thomas
Sandy, Utah

Especially when I’m down

I’m 14 1/2 years old, and I just wanted to tell you how much I really enjoy the articles in the New Era. They are so uplifting, especially when I’m down. The New Era really perks my spirits up. I especially wanted to say thank-you for the article “Crisis at the Crossroads” in the November 1983 issue. It was really uplifting.

Marilee Potter
La Crescenta, California
