September 1978

“Feedback,” New Era, Sept. 1978, 2


A sticky business

I read with interest your June article “There’s a Lot of Dough in This Business.” I initiated a similar venture in our former location in California. In fact, my “bread route” even became a valuable missionary tool. At Christmastime I gave my nonmember customers copies of the Book of Mormon. My business came to an abrupt end, however, when I was notified by state officials that it was illegal. I have since checked with the states of California and Utah, and here are the facts for those two states:

1. According to federal, state, county, and city statutes, it is a violation of both business and health codes to sell products that have been baked in a private residence.

2. Church or community groups who sponsor occasional bazaars or bake sales are exempt.

3. An individual may engage in a food business from his home if—

  1. His kitchen facility is separate from his personal kitchen and is inspected and approved by the State Health Department.

  2. He has obtained a business license (the legal requirements can be obtained from the State Board of Equalization).

Perhaps this home-baking arrangement is not illegal in Michigan, but most states prohibit it. Although my bread selling was certainly successful, it was nonetheless in violation of the law. I would encourage anyone interested in such projects to check with local authorities first to save embarrassment and possible legal penalties.

Nancy T. Wudel
Orem, Utah

The collector

Thanks for all the poems in the New Era. I collect poems, and the ones the New Era publishes are the best I have ever read. They really say things that inspire me and make me feel good. They brighten my day.

Denice Lister
Pioche, Nevada

Proud to give

I was greatly impressed by the content of the May and June New Eras. The literary excellence and spiritual value contained in these two issues was of great personal uplift. The layout and artwork were equally impressive. Church magazines have been of great value in our proselyting activities. They are something that we are very proud to give to our investigators and are publications that our new members are eager to subscribe to.

Elder Russ Lane
California Sacramento Mission

Dress rehearsal

I want to tell you how much I enjoyed and appreciated the article “It’s Your Ball Game” in the June 1978 issue. I especially related to the portion about dress standards. I hope the youth who are not aware of the Church’s current stand on dress will read this article. I live in Hawaii, and boy, is it hard for some members to keep the standards here! It is hot 365 days a year, and modest dress is just about nonexistent. When I came here, I was shocked to see some of the clothes people wear. I was even more shocked to see Church members dressing the same way.

I’m glad the article related an example of young children and their problems with dress standards. I play the piano for Primary and see children wearing bikini tops, halters, shorts, etc., in the Lord’s house. I don’t want to condemn anyone, because we all have faults, but I feel it is important to make clear the Church’s position on dress. I feel this article did a very good job of it. I enjoyed its definition of the “Church” also. I hope that everyone reads this article and gets as much out of it as I did.

Liz Groberg
Honolulu, Hawaii

A little less lonely

Thank you for publishing the New Era to help youth today. I enjoy every issue, and I always get something from each that helps me along the way each day. I have just finished reading the April issue while on midnight shifts, and reading those interesting articles made the long, lonely nights a little bit shorter and a little less lonely. I especially enjoyed “A Decade of Mormon Women—the 1870s” (April issue).

Lorraine Tuddenham
Darwin, N.T., Australia

The spirit of 76

When the New Era came out, I was undecided whether to subscribe to it. But I can truthfully say that it has been great. Even though the New Era has a special appeal to the youth, with 76 birthdays behind me, I’ve grown in a deeper understanding of the gospel through my studies of the New Era. It has been a spiritual blessing to me, and I’ve shed tears from reading some of the articles that have added to my testimony of the gospel. It’s through the Church magazines that I keep in touch with the Church, since I don’t have the privilege of attending Church services.

Eva Arrington
Louisville, Mississippi

Flying it

We would like to express our gratitude to the New Era and its many fine contributors. We can especially relate to “How Well Can You Fly It When Everything Goes Wrong?” by Elder Wells in the June issue. Many times in our missionary labors things don’t go as smoothly as we would like, but through it all we grow from many of these experiences. We have gained much from the New Era and will continue to gain from its inspirational messages.

Elders Keith Grady and Kenneth Raiford
South Dakota Rapid City Mission

The little girl who hated boys

The June issue of the New Era is truly a dream (or should I say a prayer?) come true! First of all, Elder Robert E. Wells’ “How Well Can You Fly It When Everything Goes Wrong?” was wonderful. It helped me regain my confidence and really woke me up. But most of all, “Celestial Marriage” by Elder Bruce R. McConkie was the greatest. The questions and answers were also inspiring. They answered a lot of questions I’ve had. The articles all went straight to my heart. I’ve always wanted a temple marriage, even when I was a little girl who hated boys. And now when I read articles like “Celestial Marriage,” I wonder how anyone could want anything less than a temple marriage. I know what I want, and to be with my husband for time and all eternity is definitely what I want. Thanks for keeping up my morale. Each month the New Era seems to be written just for me. I gave a New Era subscription to a friend for a Christmas present, and she loves it. Thanks again for helping to provide the answers to my prayers. I can hardly wait for next month’s answers.

Alyson Lang
Downey, California

I challenge

I want to let my fellow servants know that there is much wisdom and counsel in the Church publications, and they can help us to reach the celestial kingdom if we follow the counsel and keep the Lord’s commandments. The June issue of the New Era was very inspiring to me. I really enjoyed the article by Elder Bruce R. McConkie on celestial marriage. It is nice to have a printed message to refer to if questions on a particular subject arise. When we hear some talks, we usually don’t have any printed matter to refer to later. It is well worth my time to read the Church magazines. I challenge every Young Adult in the Church to carefully read the New Era, along with the Ensign, and to put its teachings to use in their daily lives. I love the Lord and know the gospel is true. I hope others find as much joy as I do in reading the New Era. Share it with a friend!

Patty Ursenbach
Fresno, California

Marriage and Mr. Right

It was so nice to receive the June issue of the New Era. I have enjoyed getting the New Era regularly since December of last year when a friend gave it to me as a Christmas present. I have only been a member for two years. The June issue was so special to me because it covered a subject I have been thinking about—temple marriage. The Q and A section answered many questions I wanted to ask, and the article by Elder Bruce R. McConkie helped me to understand even more. After reading the poem “When” by Jeanie Carnahan, I also felt relieved to know that someone else has felt the way I have about not yet finding “Mr. Right.”

Jennifer Rose Holder
Albuquerque, New Mexico

The power of three

This is just a note to let you know how much I’ve appreciated getting the New Era this year. I’m an exchange student, and though I’ve only gotten three New Eras all year, the ones I did receive seemed to come with a special message for me just when I needed it most. I especially enjoyed the October member-missionary issue, as the Church is really growing in Bolivia and that issue helped me to be a part of the missionary work.

Being in Bolivia, around so many special places and people, has helped my testimony grow by leaps and bounds.

Tamara Sisk
Santa Cruz, Bolivia

But we do remember

You probably won’t remember, but my name is Karen Wisseman and I’m from Australia. I wrote to you in 1977. I want you to know that because you published some of that letter in the May 1978 New Era, our family has regained contact with the two missionaries who baptized my parents in 1967. I want to thank you so much for taking the time to put one young girl’s words in print. You have greatly blessed our family. The New Era is a spiritually uplifting and uniting force for thousands of Saints around the world.

Karen Wisseman
Adelaide, South Australia
