August 1973

“Untitled,” New Era, Aug. 1973, 17


Contest Winner


I set in my jar on the shelf

and try to think things out.

It’s nice to be alone in the quiet, sometimes …

Find a deep trunk or a

dark closet, somewhere to

hide and gather my mind,

then evaluate to see what

I find. When I come out

I twist the lid on tightly

so no one else can find

the inside of my jar; I

shut the sliding door, so

they can’t find my shelf.

It’s the only place I have

to myself.

Crawling out

of the hundreds of shoes

pushing up the lid of

the trunk, I can seep

out into the light, where

my mind has more to

think of than myself

and my life. Things can

line up then, fall into

order. Voices I couldn’t

hear are louder.

Through my jarred

meditation, I can be

happy. I can see where

to place myself.

Life’s clearer

Art by Robin Luch