“The Times of the Prophets,” New Era, Jan. 1972, 10–11
The Times of the Prophets
Arts |
Inventions, Discoveries |
Social Conditions |
Politics |
Exploring |
Sports |
World Events |
Church Happenings | |
1800 |
Beethoven composes Moonlight Sonata Beethoven composes Pastoral Symphony |
Locomotive (Great Britain) Fulton’s steamship (US) |
Morphine, narcotic analgesic |
Pyrenees and Mont Perdu explored |
Bare-knuckle boxing held openly in England, secretly in US | |||
1810 |
Constable paints The Hay Wain |
Stethoscope (France) |
Napoleon abdicates |
First ascent of Jungfrau in Switzerland |
Greatest North American continental earthquake; war between Great Britain and US Tomboro erupted twice in Java | |||
1820 |
Nash designs the Royal Pavilion Beethoven composes Ninth Symphony Mendelssohn composes Midsummer Night’s Dream Rossini composes William Tell Overture |
Quinine for Malaria Braille type (France) |
College fraternities and sororities founded |
Skiing introduced |
US Monroe Doctrine declared |
Prophet’s first vision; visitations of Moroni; visits to Hill Cumorah; plates, Urim and Thummim given to Joseph Smith; translation of Book of Mormon begins; Aaronic, Melchizedek priesthoods restored | ||
1830 |
Turner paints Burning of House of Parliament Berlioz composes Romeo and Juliet |
Colt revolver; daguerreotype |
Morse code in use; English socialists revolt against industry; slavery abolished in British Empire |
Victoria Queen of England; Revolution in France; first British reform bill gives vote to middle class |
Antarctica explored by many countries; David Livingstone in Africa; land discovered south of Australia (Bellany Islands); great Boer trek to Transvaal, South Africa |
Horses Edwin Forrest and Sally Miller hold trotting records; John C. Stevens, R. B. Forbes, champion yachtsmen |
Battle of Alamo; Belgium awarded independence from Netherlands; Opium War between China and Britain |
Organization of church; Book of Mormon published; Saints move from New York to Ohio, from Ohio to Missouri, from Missouri to Illinois; Kirtland, Nauvoo temples built; missionaries sent to Europe, South Seas |
1840 |
Schumann composes Symphony no. 4 Wagner composes Lohengrin Mendelssohn composes Elijah Oratorio |
Sewing machine; ether for anesthetic Planet Neptune discovered |
Disraeli, Gladstone, Bismarck in power |
Saints arrive in Salt Lake Valley |
First regular baseball diamond laid out in New York |
South American countries developing Communist Manifesto written |
Martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith | |
1850 |
Paxton designs Crystal Palace, London Berlioz composes Symphonie Fantastique Handel’s Messiah performed in Salt Lake |
Bicycle; typewriter; dynamite |
Atlantic cable laid |
Maximillian overthrown by Juarez in Mexico |
Great westward expansion in America |
First Kentucky Derby |
Origin of Species published |
Brigham Young Academy in Provo started |
1860 |
Great period of Victorian writing—Brontë sisters, Thackeray, Dickens, Tennyson; “Dixie” composed Whistler paints Little White Girl Verdi composes Aida |
Chewing gum; Sweden’s mechanical cream separator |
Suez Canal finished Slavery in US abolished US transcontinental railroad completed |
National Women’s Suffrage Association formed |
Ruins of Troy uncovered; gold discovered in California |
Ice hockey introduced in Ontario |
Crimean War Alaska bought from Russia for two cents an acre |
Temple building; colonization throughout intermountain area |
1870 |
Mussorgsky composes Pictures at an Exhibition Renoir paints Moulin de la Galette Rodin sculpts The Thinker |
Edison’s phonograph Telephone Microphone |
Nine-pin bowling banned in New England for gambling |
Chicago fire |
Martin Harris rebaptized | |||
1880 |
Dr. A. Conan Doyle creates Sherlock Holmes Ben Hur written Seurat paints A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte |
Edison’s incandescent lamp; Scotland’s first automobile “tyre”; Robert Koch discovers tuberculosis germ German scientist discovers X-ray |
Telephone comes to church headquarters; National Geographic Society formed; Canadian Pacific Railway spans Canada Eiffel Tower opens |
Alexander II of Russia assassinated; military conscription in Japan; assassination of US president Garfield Wilhelm II kaiser of Germany |
Gold rush to Alaska |
Amateur Athletic Association formed in England |
Missionary movement expands to far-distant countries; first world skyscraper built in Chicago (ten stories!) |
MIA Contributor published; golden jubilee of founding of Church celebrated; “God Be with You” favorite new hymn |
1890 |
First film studio built in Hollywood; Tabernacle Choir concert at Chicago Exhibition Tiffany table lamp Martin Buber, Jewish philosopher, gains prominence |
First automobile (Benz) on display at Paris Exposition; Italy’s Marconi makes wireless telegraphy practical Radio- telegraphy becomes trans-Atlantic |
First gasoline car manufactured; player piano on market; Brazil frees slaves Diphtheria antitoxin perfected; adrenaline heart stimulant discovered |
Cuban Republic inaugurated; Winston Churchill prisoner in Boer War |
Gold discovered in western Australia |
Basketball devised by YMCA instructor; John L. Sullivan wins boxing heavyweight championship; first modern-day Olympics in Athens Henry Vardon takes US Open in golf; World heavyweight champion James J. Jeffries |
Largest meteorite, weighing 37 1/2 pounds found in Greenland Spanish- American War |
Manifesto signed discontinuing polygamy; Salt Lake Temple completed after 40 years; first issue Improvement Era Teaching of and emphasis on law of tithing; Japanese Mission opened |
1900 |
Ravel composes Rapsodie Espagnole Charlie Chaplin introduced as new film talent Kandinsky paints Blue Mountain |
The Curies isolate radium Netherlands invents electro- cardiograph; aspirin; Novocaine Germany develops flat phonograph discs |
Hershey bars and Kellogg’s cornflakes; horseless carriage clocked at 15 miles per hour; Boy Scouts started in England |
Teddy Roosevelt US president Commonwealth of Australia established |
Wright Brothers fly Admiral Peary reaches North Pole |
Jack Johnson world boxing champion; cricket great, W. G. Grace, dies |
McKinley assassinated First international arbitration court opens at Hague San Francisco earthquake does $500,000,000 damage |
First issue of the Children’s Friend; Apostle Reed Smoot seated in Senate after overcoming opposition; dedication of Joseph Smith Monument |
1910 |
Stravinsky composes The Rite of Spring Mondrian paints Composition in Blue |
Mercurochrome |
Nicholas II of Russia shot; Turkish-Italian War; World War I |
Schweitzer starts African work Panama Canal |
Titanic sinks on her maiden voyage Sun Yat-sen leads Chinese Revolution |
Expansion of building program including erection of Church Office Building; work begun on Alberta and Hawaii temples | ||
1920 |
Frank Lloyd Wright designs Imperial Hotel, Tokyo Ravel composes Bolero Caruso makes last appearance—at New York Met |
Insulin Radar Nylon Holland, vitamin B |
League of Nations formed; technicolor; television |
Mussolini dictator of Italy; Irish Free State founded; Finland a republic |
Lindberg flies monoplane nonstop across Atlantic; Queen Elizabeth ocean liner sails |
Man O’ War and Seabiscuit winners at the track |
Devastating earthquake in Japan Stock market crash and depression |
Church Welfare Program starts |
1930 |
Talking pictures change film industry; big bands for ballroom dancing craze Prokofiev composes Peter and the Wolf Grant Wood paints American Gothic |
Artificial heart developed Sulfa drugs Uranium atom split Britain discovers penicillin, vitamin A |
Trans-Atlantic radio; jet engine |
Sonja Henie figure skating champion; Joe Louis and Max Schmeling tops in boxing; Dizzy Dean, Lou Gehrig, Babe Ruth famous in baseball |
Hitler’s blitzkrieg Edward VIII abdicates British throne World War II |
Tabernacle Choir broadcast over CBS begins; assistants named to Council of the Twelve | ||
1940 |
Rockwell paints The Four Freedoms Swedish monaural sound brings long-playing records; soap operas, comic books, Disney characters big hits |
Antibiotics advance medicine; cortisone discovered |
Drive-in everything— movies, laundries, banks, and eateries |
Ireland gains independence; post WW II Allied occupation underway; US cold war in Korea |
Flying saucers in the news; Sons of the Utah Pioneers reenact 1847 Mormon trek across plains |
Babe Ruth honored by fans in Yankee Stadium |
Atomic bomb Henry Ford dies; General Douglas MacArthur relieved of Far-East command |
Idaho Falls Temple dedicated Church welfare helps feed starving Europe |
1950 |
Promised Valley produced for Church’s centennial Niemeyer designs Palace of the Dawn, Brasilia Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II televised |
Air conditioning for cars; vaccine for polio and measles; cancer and cigarettes linked |
Swiss women given vote; jetliner service between London and Africa |
Rockefeller provides New York property for UN Mid-East crisis; Charles de Gaulle French Prime Minister |
Sputnik I launched by Russia; Nautilus crosses North Pole under ice pack |
Mt. Everest conquered by Hillary of New Zealand |
St. Lawrence seaway links Great Lakes and Atlantic | |
1960 |
Church film “Man’s Search for Happiness” a hit at New York World’s Fair; stereo sound produced Saarinen designs CBS Building, New York Fuller designs American Pavilion Expo ’67 |
Alaska and Hawaii new US states |
Kennedy brothers assassinated in US; Vietnam war |
Communications satellite orbits and conference heard worldwide Astronauts plant US flag on moon; primitive tribe found in Philippine jungle |
Quota system on missionaries; Church correlation, family home evening emphasis; membership growing from two to three million | |||
1970 |
The Beatles and mod look in clothes, arts, crafts; posters on every conceivable subject; obscenity rampant |
Cassette recorders, tape decks for cars; laser light, keystone to future technology; Boeing’s 747 superjet launched |
Campus unrest; racism; pollution; consumerism; women’s lib |
US withdrawal from Vietnam; civil war in Ireland; China recognized in UN |
World jogs in fitness kick; all-Church athletics replaced by regional events |
Svetlana Alliluyeva, Stalin’s daughter, marries in US; exchange students, travel groups shrink world |
Three magazines replace old ones; Ensign (adults), New Era (youth), Friend (children); new church skyscraper in Salt Lake |