Mission Callings
1. Be Aware and Acknowledge

“1. Be Aware and Acknowledge,” Safeguards for Using Technology (2015)

“1. Be Aware and Acknowledge,” Safeguards for Using Technology

1. Be Aware and Acknowledge

King Benjamin addressing people

In order for you to learn to live these safeguards instinctively, you need to be aware of when your thoughts or actions are not in harmony with these guidelines. You also need to be aware of when you are feeling something that can make you more vulnerable. For example, being bored, lonely, angry, anxious, afraid, stressed, hungry, or tired can make it more difficult to use technology wisely. Being aware of these conditions and emotions will allow you to respond to what you are feeling in a positive and constructive way. King Benjamin taught, “If ye do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and continue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish. And now, O man, remember, and perish not” (Mosiah 4:30).

two elder missionaries using desktop computers

All missionaries experience weaknesses and feelings of vulnerability. Instead of hiding or ignoring these feelings, honestly acknowledge them in order to help yourself choose a better response and overcome temptation. Admit to yourself what you are feeling, and determine if there is a specific event or circumstance that you may be reacting to. Be open with your companion and other trusted missionaries so they can help you be aware of what you are feeling and how it is impacting you. In your prayers, be open with Heavenly Father about what you are feeling so He can help you and give you strength to overcome temptation through Christ’s Atonement.

two sister missionaries studying

Honestly acknowledge feelings of vulnerability in order to help yourself choose a better response and overcome temptation.