Refer a Friend

“Refer a Friend,” Refer a Friend (2021)

“Refer a Friend,” Refer a Friend

Help a Friend Connect with Missionaries

Click here to refer a friend.

Asking a friend to meet with the missionaries is a powerful way to share the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. You want your friend to have a positive experience with the missionaries as they discover, learn, and grow. Now you can be more involved to help that happen. When you refer a friend to the missionaries, you can help the missionaries understand your friend’s needs, interests, and questions. You can also join the gospel discussions or missionary lessons in person or online.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I send a referral to missionaries?

There are two simple ways to refer your friend. Click here or go to the Member Tools app on your mobile device.

What happens after I submit a referral?

A missionary assigned to help with referrals will contact you by text message, phone, or email. The missionary will ask you several questions to get to know you and your friend (most importantly to determine whether your friend has agreed to talk with representatives of the Church). You’ll determine how involved you want to be in the lessons. Then the missionary will schedule a conference call with you and the local missionaries who will be teaching your friend.

Can I ask the missionaries to “drop by” my friend’s house without asking my friend if they want to talk to missionaries?

No. Your relationship with your friend is based on trust. Sending missionaries without his or her knowledge may damage your friendship. You and your friend will have the best experience if he or she agrees to talk to the missionaries.

What happens if my friend only wants missionaries to email, call, or talk online?

Missionaries will communicate with your friend however your friend wants. Send the referral and the missionaries will respond in the way that you ask.

Can I participate as my friend meets with the missionaries?

Yes, please! You’re an important part of your friend’s experience with the missionaries. Because of you they want to meet with the missionaries. When you refer a friend, you will be given the contact information for the missionaries in that area. The missionaries will coordinate with you to join the conversation in person or through technology.
