Lesson 13: The People of King Limhi and the People of Alma

“Lesson 13: The People of King Limhi and the People of Alma,” Primary 4: Book of Mormon (1997), 44–46

“Lesson 13,” Primary 4, 44–46

Lesson 13

The People of King Limhi and the People of Alma


To teach the children that humility and faith in Jesus Christ can give us strength to face adversity.


  1. Prayerfully study Mosiah 21:1–16; 22; 23:1–6, 29–39; and 24 and review Mosiah 12:2, 4–5. Then study the lesson and decide how you want to teach the children the scripture account. (See “Preparing Your Lessons,”> p. vi, and “Teaching from the Scriptures,” p. vii.)

  2. Additional reading: Mosiah 20–25 (for the entire account).

  3. Select the discussion questions and enrichment activities that will involve the children and best help them achieve the purpose of the lesson.

  4. If you plan to use enrichment activity 1, you will need to make the assignments at least one week in advance.

  5. Materials needed:

    1. A Book of Mormon for each child.

    2. Pictures 4-24, Nephites under Guard of the Lamanites, and 4-25, King Limhi’s People Escape.

Suggested Lesson Development

Invite a child to give the opening prayer.

Attention Activity

Write the following words and definitions on the chalkboard or a poster. Explain that the children are going to learn some important words from the scripture account. Let the children volunteer to say a word and choose its definition.


  1. A load or sorrow difficult to bear


  1. Willing to learn; lack of pride


  1. Misfortune, suffering, or difficulty


  1. Lack of freedom; slavery


  1. Harassment, affliction, or attack


  1. Believing without seeing

Answers: adversity: c; bondage: d; humility: b; persecution: e; faith: f; burden: a

Scripture Account

Review the prophecies of Abinadi concerning the Nephites from Mosiah 12:2, 4–5. These prophesies were literally fulfilled even though the Nephites were split into two separate groups. Teach the accounts of the people of King Limhi and the people of Alma from Mosiah 21:1–16; 22; 23:1–6, 29–39; and Mosiah 24. Use the pictures at appropriate times. (For suggested ways to teach the scripture accounts, see “Teaching from the Scriptures,” p. vii.)

Discussion and Application Questions

Study the following questions and the scripture references as you prepare your lesson. Use the questions you feel will best help the children understand the scriptures and apply the principles in their lives. Reading the references with the children in class will help them gain insights into the scriptures.

The People of King Limhi

  • In what ways did the Lamanites persecute the people of Limhi? (Mosiah 21:3.) Why did this happen? (Mosiah 21:4; 12:2, 4–5.)

  • What effect did losing three times in battle to the Lamanites have on the people of King Limhi? (Mosiah 21:13–14.) What does it mean to be humble? Why do you think the Nephites finally humbled themselves?

  • Why was Heavenly Father slow to hear the cries of Limhi’s people? (Mosiah 21:15.) How did he finally answer their pleas for help? (Mosiah 21:15–16.) What could Limhi’s people learn from living in bondage? How can sufferings in our lives help us become more humble, obedient, and prayerful?

  • After King Limhi and his people had made a covenant, or promise, with God, what did they want to do to show they honored their covenant with Him? (Mosiah 21:35.) How can we show Heavenly Father that we honor our baptismal covenants?

The People of Alma

  • What are some reasons the faith and patience of the people of Alma were tested? (Mosiah 23:21.) What promise did the Lord make to them and to us if we put our trust in him when our patience and faith are being tested? (Mosiah 23:22.) How have you been blessed by trusting in the Lord?

  • Why did Alma say that his people should not be frightened? (Mosiah 23:27.) How did the people respond to his counsel? (Mosiah 23:28.) How did the Lord help them? (Mosiah 23:29.) How has the Lord helped you find courage?

  • What can you do to become stronger through adversity? How has Heavenly Father blessed you or your family in adversity?

  • How did Alma and his people tell Heavenly Father what they needed when the wicked ruler Amulon would not let them pray out loud? (Mosiah 24:12.) How did Heavenly Father answer their prayers and keep his promise to them? (Mosiah 24:13–16.) How has Heavenly Father kept his promises to you?

  • What did Alma and his people remember to do after they had been delivered from the Lamanites? (Mosiah 24:21–22.) Why is it important to show gratitude, even in adversity? How can we show gratitude to Heavenly Father for our blessings?

  • How were the people blessed spiritually through their adversity?

  • How can having faith in Jesus Christ and humility strengthen you during times of adversity?

Enrichment Activities

You may use one or more of the following activities any time during the lesson or as a review, summary, or challenge.

  1. Invite two adults to dress as King Limhi and Alma. King Limhi can tell the account of his people from Mosiah 21 and Mosiah 22. Alma can tell the account of his people from Mosiah 23 and Mosiah 24. Let the children ask questions about the events in the accounts. The discussion and application questions may be used during the accounts or at the conclusion of the accounts.

  2. Divide the class into two to four teams, depending on the size of the class. Let each team take a turn pantomiming their favorite part of the story while the other teams guess what they are pantomiming.

  3. Memorize the fourth article of faith.

  4. Sing or read the words to “The Fourth Article of Faith” (Children’s Songbook, p. 124) or “Faith” (Children’s Songbook, p. 96).

  5. Invite the children to read some of the following scriptures silently and mark those that have an important meaning to them:



Express your gratitude for and testimony of the Lord’s blessings to you during times of adversity.

Suggested Family Sharing

Encourage the children to share with their families a specific part of the lesson, such as a story, question, or activity, or to read with their families the “Suggested Home Reading.”

Suggested Home Reading

Suggest that the children study Mosiah 21:6–16 and Mosiah 24:10–15 at home as a review of this lesson.

Invite a child to give the closing prayer.
