Prepare to sing or read the words to the song “I Like My Birthdays” (Children’s Songbook, p. 104).
Bring the chart “Becoming a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ,” first used in lesson 7. Have the wordstrips “Faith in Jesus Christ” and “Repentance” in place on the chart. Have the wordstrip “Baptism” ready to be placed on the chart during the lesson.
A soft ball or small stuffed toy animal.
Materials needed:
A Bible, a Book of Mormon, and a Doctrine and Covenants.
Picture 3-13, Boy Being Baptized (62018); and picture 3-1, John the Baptist Baptizing Jesus (62133; Gospel Art Picture Kit 208).
Make the necessary preparations for any enrichment activities that you will be using.
Note: Adapt this lesson as needed if any of the children have already been baptized.
Suggested Lesson Development
Invite a child to give the opening prayer.
Follow up with the children if you encouraged them to do something during the week.
We Can Be Baptized at Age Eight
Jesus Christ Obeyed the Commandment to Be Baptized
We Can Be Baptized Just As Jesus Christ Was
The Ordinance of Baptism
We Are Happy When We Are Baptized
Tell the children that you have some questions that you would like to ask them in order to review what they have learned about the important step of baptism. Toss the ball or small toy animal to a child and ask one of the following questions. Be sure that each child gets a turn to catch the toy and answer a question.
How old are we when we may be baptized? (Eight.)
Why should we be baptized? (It is a commandment.)
Where will we be baptized? (In a baptismal font or other pool of water.)
What must a man have to be able to baptize? (The priesthood.)
How will we be baptized? (By immersion.)
Why do you think you will feel happy when you are baptized?
Let the children respond and share their feelings. You might emphasize that they will be happy to be members of Jesus Christ’s Church, they will be happy to know they are following his example, and they will be happy to obey his commandment.
Remind the children that their eighth birthday can be special because they will be old enough to be baptized.
Sing or say the words to the song “I Like My Birthdays.”
Point to the steps on the chart, and read them. Explain that after the children have been baptized, they will be ready to take the final step in becoming a member of the Church.
Invite a child to give the closing prayer.
Enrichment Activities
Choose from the following activities those that will work best for your children. You can use them in the lesson itself or as a review or summary. For additional guidance, see “Class Time” in “Helps for the Teacher.”
Copy or trace a picture of the birthday cake for each child. Have the children draw eight candles on the cake and then color it. Label the picture, “I can’t wait until I’m eight.”
If your class is not familiar with the tradition of birthday cakes, explain that in many countries, when children have a birthday, a birthday cake is made for them. A candle is put on the cake for each year since they were born. When the children turn eight, they have eight candles on their cake.
Discuss steps that the children need to take to prepare for baptism. As each of the following ideas is mentioned, lay a cutout of a footstep on the floor. Have the footsteps lead to picture 3-13, Boy Being Baptized.
Attend Primary and sacrament meeting each week.
Learn about the scriptures.
Be honest.
Pray daily.
Pay tithing.
Be kind to family and friends.
Follow Jesus Christ’s example.
Be eight years old.
Be interviewed by the bishop or branch president.
Invite a man who holds the Melchizedek Priesthood to come to class and tell the children what will take place at their baptism. Have him practice with them the correct position for their hands and the motions of baptism.
Show to the children “Baptism—A Promise to Follow Jesus” (9 min.) on Primary Video Collection (53179).