Seminaries and Institutes
Video Lesson 13: Romans: The Doctrine of Grace

“Video Lesson 13: Romans: The Doctrine of Grace,” New Testament Video Guide (2005), 13–14

“Video Lesson 13,” New Testament Video Guide, 13–14



The Doctrine of Grace


To help students understand that, through the grace of Jesus Christ, divine help is available for each of us to gain eternal life.

Note: This lesson focuses on the doctrine of grace. Because of the sacred nature of this doctrine, care and sensitivity should be used while teaching this lesson. This lesson should be followed immediately by lesson 14, “Faith and Works,” to help students understand the relationship between faith, grace, and works.

Before the Video


Have your students turn to “grace” in their Bible Dictionary (p. 697) and help them understand the following:

  1. Grace is a divine means of help, or an enabling power.

  2. We need grace because of the Fall of Adam and man’s shortcomings.

  3. The Lord extends grace to us when He:

    1. Raises us to immortality.

    2. Gives us strength and assistance to do good works.

    3. Helps us gain exaltation.

  4. To receive grace in our lives we need to make our own best effort and live the first principles and ordinances of the gospel.

Student Activity

Tell students that the Lord extends grace to us in three ways: He raises us to immortality, He gives us strength and help to do good works, and He helps us gain exaltation. Have students read Acts 4:33; 15:11; 20:32; Romans 2:4; 5:15; and 2 Corinthians 12:9 and tell what kind of grace is being described in each of these verses.

Acts 4:33

Strength and assistance

Acts 15:11


Acts 20:32

Strength and help / exaltation

Romans 2:4

Strength and help

Romans 5:15


2 Corinthians 12:9

Strength and help

Using the Video

The Doctrine of Grace 14:04

Show Segment 1

Segment 1 (5:51) is a parable showing how the Lord’s grace helps us gain eternal life.


After viewing segment 1, do the following:

  • Discuss how the father giving his daughter the bicycle is like the Savior paying the price for our exaltation.

  • Discuss how the father giving his daughter money is like the Savior giving us the gift of faith.

  • Discuss how the girl’s efforts to earn money and pay for the bicycle is like what the Savior requires us to do to gain eternal life.

  • Discuss why we are not able to gain exaltation on our own power.

Tell students that since we can only be perfected in Christ, we must rely on His saving grace (see Moroni 10:32–33). Romans 12:3 suggests that our good works are the result of God giving us strength beyond our own abilities.

“Look For” Activity

As students watch segment 2, suggest they look for ways the Savior gives strength and assistance to us in times of trial.

Show Segment 2

Segment 2 (6:03) portrays how the Lord helps a successful gymnast cope with an accident that left her paralyzed.


Ask students what Diane’s trials were and discuss how the Lord’s grace lightened her burden. Discuss other types of trials that people face. Help students know that if they turn to the Savior, His grace can help them in their trials (see also 2 Corinthians 12:7–9).

“Look For” Activity

As students watch segment 3, have them look for ways the Savior can give us daily strength and assistance.

Show Segment 3

Segment 3 (2:10) includes two short illustrations of how the Lord provides daily assistance to help us live the gospel.

After the Video


Students should understand that the Lord’s mercy and love can help us begin and complete things that we could not do if left to our own abilities. Discuss the strength and assistance given to the individuals in the video. Invite students to share righteous desires they were able to accomplish because of the Lord’s help. Discuss how students can seek the grace of Christ (see also Romans 15:15; 1 Corinthians 15:10).

Scripture Insight

Discuss the principle of grace as shown in 2 Nephi 31:19; 3 Nephi 12:3; Ether 12:27; D&C 20:30–31; 50:40; 93:20.
