“Chapter 43: Jesus Brings Lazarus Back to Life,” New Testament Stories (2005), 107–9
“Chapter 43,” New Testament Stories, 107–9
Chapter 43

Jesus Brings Lazarus Back to Life
A man named Lazarus lived in Bethany with his sisters Mary and Martha. Jesus loved Lazarus and his sisters, and they loved Jesus.
Lazarus became very sick. The Savior was in another town. Mary and Martha sent word to Him that Lazarus was sick.
The Savior asked His disciples to go with Him to help Lazarus. The disciples were afraid to go to Bethany. It was near Jerusalem. Some people in Jerusalem wanted to kill Jesus.
Jesus told His disciples that Lazarus was dead. He said that He would bring him back to life. This miracle would help the disciples know that He was the Savior. Jesus went to Bethany. When He got there, Lazarus had been dead for four days.
Martha told Jesus that Lazarus would still be alive if He had come sooner. Jesus said Lazarus would live again. He asked Martha if she believed Him. Martha said yes. She knew that Jesus was the Savior.
Martha left Jesus to get her sister, Mary. Mary went to meet Jesus too. Many people followed her. Mary knelt, crying, at the Savior’s feet. The people with her were also crying. Jesus asked where Lazarus’s body was.
Jesus went to the cave where Lazarus was buried. There was a stone in front of it. He told the people to move the stone.
Jesus looked up. He thanked Heavenly Father for hearing His prayers.
Then, in a loud voice, Jesus told Lazarus to come out of the cave. Lazarus walked out. Many of the people who saw the miracle now believed that Jesus was the Savior.