Holiday Initiatives
I’m Taking That First Step

Sunday, March 28

Starting Today I’m Taking That First Step

Jesus beckoning to fishermen

Jesus invites all to “follow [Him]” (John 12:26). Find hope by walking in His footsteps. To inspire you in taking your next step, you could read the new booklet The Savior’s Invitation: A Collection of Insights from Modern Apostles and Ancient Scripture.


The Lord's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

On the Sunday that begins the last week of His mortal life, Jesus Christ makes His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. His followers wave palm fronds and lay down cloaks in His path. Each step He takes is celebrated, for He is about to complete a journey that fulfills thousands of years of prophecy—bringing salvation to all who have the faith to follow Him.

This Easter week, we can take the first step toward making a positive change in our lives because Jesus Christ prepared the way.

President Russell M. Nelson will share a special video message today about the Savior and the upcoming Easter general conference.

View on President Nelson’s Facebook Page

For Children

Want something to help you think of Easter this week? Read President Henry B. Eyring’s message and create an eight-picture Easter storybook.