“November 4–10. Hebrews 1–6: ‘Jesus Christ, ‘the Author of Eternal Salvation’’” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: New Testament 2019 (2019)
“November 4–10. Hebrews 1–6,” Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: 2019
Balm of Gilead, by Annie Henrie
November 4–10
Hebrews 1–6
Jesus Christ, “the Author of Eternal Salvation”
Consider sharing with members of your class some of the impressions you receive from the Holy Ghost about Hebrews 1–6. Doing so may inspire them to seek their own impressions as they study the scriptures.
Record Your Impressions
Invite Sharing
Some class members who do not share often in class may simply need a specific invitation and a little time to prepare. You could contact a few of them a day or two in advance and ask them to come prepared to share a verse from Hebrews 1–6 that is meaningful to them.
Teach the Doctrine
Jesus Christ is “the author of eternal salvation.”
How can you encourage class members to share meaningful scriptures about Jesus Christ that they found in their personal and family study this week? Consider creating five columns on the board to represent the first five chapters in Hebrews. Invite class members to write in the appropriate column phrases from these chapters that taught them about Jesus Christ and the verse number where they are found. How does knowing these things about the Savior affect our faith in Him and willingness to follow Him?
Hebrews 1–5 uses a variety of images to describe the Savior. Maybe you could use these images to help class members deepen their understanding of His mission. For example, you could contact several class members a few days in advance and ask them to bring to class an object that represents one of these descriptions of Jesus Christ or His mission from Hebrews 1–5 (see especially Hebrews 1:3; 2:10; 3:1, 6; 5:9). They could explain to the class what their objects teach about Jesus Christ and read the corresponding verse from Hebrews. How does knowing these truths about the Savior influence our lives?
Hebrews 2:9–18; 4:12–16; 5:7–8
Jesus Christ suffered all things so that He can understand and help those who suffer.
There may be members of your class who are suffering trials and sometimes feel forsaken and hopeless. Perhaps a discussion of Hebrews 2:9–18; 4:12–16; 5:7–8 could build their faith that they can turn to Heavenly Father and the Savior for help. One way to start such a discussion is to invite class members to think of someone they know who is suffering and may be losing hope. What truths do they find in these verses that they could share with that person? Class members could also share how the Savior has comforted and supported them. Consider sharing the quotation by President John Taylor in “Additional Resources” as part of the discussion.
Hebrews 2:9–18; 4:12–16 can also help people who observe the suffering in the world and wonder if God notices or even cares. Perhaps class members could search these verses to find truths that would help with such questions. What do they teach about how the Savior responds to humanity’s suffering? It may also be helpful to invite class members to share examples from the scriptures where people were supported by Jesus Christ in their sufferings (see “Additional Resources”) or show the video “Mountains to Climb” (LDS.org). Discuss together what we learn about how the Savior can help us when we face difficult challenges.
God’s blessings are available to those who “harden not [their] hearts.”
Hebrews 3 and 4 contain a plea to the Saints not to harden their hearts and thereby reject the blessings God wanted to give them. As you and your class read Hebrews 3:7–4:2, discuss ways the experiences of the ancient Israelites could apply to us today, just as they applied to the Hebrews in the early Church (consider referring to the study material about these verses in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). What is causing people to harden their hearts in our day? What can we do to keep our hearts soft and responsive to the will of the Lord? (see Ether 4:15; Alma 5:14–15).
Those who serve in God’s kingdom must be called of God.
Not all members of your class are priesthood holders, but the message from Hebrews 5 about priesthood holders being called of God applies to all who receive Church callings. To help your class learn what it means to “be called of God as was Aaron,” consider inviting them to review the account of Aaron receiving his calling in Exodus 4:10–16, 27–31; 28:1. What insights from this account help us understand Hebrews 5:1–5? When have class members, including ward leaders, received confirmation that someone was called of God to fulfill a specific calling? How did that confirmation help them better sustain someone in their calling? (You may want to ask class members not to disclose sensitive details.) There may also be class members who could testify that God inspired them as they fulfilled their own callings.
Encourage Learning at Home
Have your class members ever felt like they were “strangers and pilgrims on the earth” (Hebrews 11:13) because their beliefs were different from those around them? Tell them that as they read Hebrews 7–13, they will find examples of individuals who faithfully received and embraced the promises of God even though many around them were faithless.
Additional Resources
Jesus Christ knows what it’s like to experience suffering.
President John Taylor taught: “It was necessary when the Savior was upon the earth, that he ‘should be tempted in all points like unto us,’ and ‘be touched with the feelings of our infirmities,’ [see Hebrews 4:15] to comprehend the weaknesses and strength; the perfections and imperfections of poor fallen human nature; and having accomplished the thing he came into the world to do, having had to grapple with the hypocrisy, corruption, weakness, and imbecility of man—having met with temptation and trial in all its various forms, and overcome, he has become ‘A faithful high priest’ [see Hebrews 2:17] to intercede for us in the everlasting kingdom of his Father. He knows how to estimate, and put a proper value upon human nature, for he, having been placed in the same position as we were, knows how to bear with our weaknesses and infirmities, and can fully comprehend the depth, power, and strength of the afflictions and trials that men have to cope with in this world, and thus understandingly and by experience, he can bear with them as a father and an elder brother” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: John Taylor [2001], 204–5).
Scriptural examples of people comforted by Jesus Christ.
John 8:1–11: The Lord comforted the woman taken in adultery.
John 11:1–46: The Lord comforted Mary and Martha after the death of their brother, Lazarus.
Enos 1:4–6: The Lord forgave Enos’s sins and removed his guilt.
Mosiah 21:5–15: The Lord softened the hearts of the Lamanites so that they eased the burdens of the people of Limhi.
Mosiah 24:14–15: The Lord eased the burdens of Alma’s people.
Ether 12:23–29: The Lord’s words comforted Moroni.
3 Nephi 17:6–7: The Savior healed the Nephites of their infirmities.
Doctrine and Covenants 121:7–10: The Lord comforted Joseph Smith (see also D&C 123:17).
Improving Our Teaching
Create a spiritual environment. When you foster a peaceful, loving environment in your classroom, the Spirit can more easily touch the hearts of those you teach. What can you do to invite the influence of the Spirit into your classroom? Could you rearrange the seats or use pictures or music to invite the Spirit? (See Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 15.)