Come, Follow Me
I Am a Teacher of Children

“I Am a Teacher of Children,” Come, Follow Me: For Primary (2015), ii

“I Am a Teacher of Children,” For Primary, ii

I Am a Teacher of Children

I have been called of God to teach His children. I was set apart to this calling by the authority of His holy priesthood. I may not be formally trained to teach in the world’s way, but my calling is to teach in the Savior’s way. I qualify by living worthily, praying daily, and studying the scriptures.

As I do this, God grants me the influence and power of the Holy Spirit. Through that Spirit, He guides me during my preparation and while I am teaching. He reveals to me what I should say and what I should do. They are really God’s children, after all, and He knows what they need and how best to reach them.

These precious little ones are ready and eager to learn the simple truths of the gospel. The veil seems thin for them, not just because they were so recently in God’s presence, but also because of their faith in their spiritual feelings. Somehow they innately know that their role is to learn, and they see every moment as a learning moment. They don’t worry that they don’t understand everything yet; they willingly act on what they do understand, trusting that a more complete understanding will come. Even while at play, they are constantly absorbing information, forming and refining their opinions, and making thrilling discoveries—which they are always excited to share. Little wonder that when the Savior wanted to teach about how we should receive His gospel, He took a child in His arms and said, “Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein” (Mark 10:15).

Truly, the calling to teach such pure, teachable souls is a sacred trust. It is normal to feel overwhelmed at times. But I know that God called me, and He will never forsake me. This is, after all, His work, not mine. And as I serve with all my heart, mind, and strength, He enlarges my capacities, gifts, and talents. The more I give in His service, the more I am able to give—and the more I can bless my family members, friends, and others I am called upon to teach.