“February 24–March 1. 2 Nephi 26–30: ‘A Marvelous Work and a Wonder,’” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 (2020)
“February 24–March 1. 2 Nephi 26–30,” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: 2020
He Will Lead Thee by the Hand, by Sandra Rast
February 24–March 1
2 Nephi 26–30
“A Marvelous Work and a Wonder”
Before you start planning learning activities for the children in your class, study 2 Nephi 26–30. This will invite the Spirit to guide your planning.
Record Your Impressions
Invite Sharing
Hold up a copy of the Book of Mormon, and explain that Nephi foresaw that the Book of Mormon would be important in our day. Ask the children to share something they have learned about the Book of Mormon this year.
Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children
Jesus Christ wants everyone to come unto Him.
Nephi testified that the Savior loves everyone, no matter who they are, and He invites them all to “partake of his goodness.”
Possible Activities
Display pictures of people from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds (you may find some in Church magazines). Ask the children to describe some of the details they see in the pictures. Open the scriptures to 2 Nephi 26:33 and read, “[Jesus Christ] inviteth them all to come unto him.” Repeat this phrase with the children as you point to each picture. Then point to each child and say, “Jesus Christ invites you to come unto Him.” What can we do to come unto the Savior?
Sing a song with the children about loving all people, such as “I’ll Walk with You” or “We Are Different” (Children’s Songbook, 140–41, 263). Point out words or phrases in the song that you feel reinforce the message of 2 Nephi 26:33.
The Book of Mormon is a blessing.
Consider how you will help the children in your class feel that the Book of Mormon is “a blessing unto them from the hand of God” (2 Nephi 30:6).
Possible Activities
Show the children a Book of Mormon wrapped as a gift, and tell them that something valuable is inside. Let them hold the gift, and give clues to help them guess what it is; for example, it’s something the Lord has given us, it helps us believe in Jesus Christ, and so on. Read from 2 Nephi 30:6: “It is a blessing unto them from the hand of God.” Let the children open the gift, and then explain that we must open the Book of Mormon and read it to receive the blessings it contains.
Read 2 Nephi 28:2 to the children. Explain that Nephi saw that the Book of Mormon would “be of great worth” to us, which means that it will help and bless us. Tell the children why the Book of Mormon is of great worth to you. Share your favorite verse or story from the Book of Mormon, and invite the children to share theirs. Show pictures from the Gospel Art Book to give them ideas.
Heavenly Father teaches me little by little.
Perhaps you can think of an object lesson or activity that will help the children see what it means to learn “line upon line.” The suggestions below may spark some ideas.
Possible Activities
Help the children put together a simple puzzle or build something with blocks. Give them one puzzle piece or one block at a time, and while they are building, explain that this is the way Heavenly Father teaches us—one truth at a time. What would happen if we tried to put all of the pieces together at once?
Teach the children a skill step by step, such as tying a bow or drawing a picture. Read from 2 Nephi 28:30: “I will give unto the children of men line upon line, … here a little and there a little.” Why does God teach us little by little?
Teach the Doctrine: Older Children
Jesus Christ wants everyone to come unto Him.
Help the children feel that the invitation to come unto Christ is directed to them and to all people.
Possible Activities
Talk with the children about times when they have invited friends or family to come to a special event, like a birthday celebration. What did they do to encourage people to come? Read with the children 2 Nephi 26:23–28, 33, and help them find what the Lord is inviting us to do. Ask the children to create a card or letter inviting someone to come unto Jesus Christ. Encourage them to use a phrase from these verses in their invitation (if needed, write some phrases on the board to help).
Read 2 Nephi 26:33 with the children, and help them make a list of who, according to this verse, is invited to “partake of [the Lord’s] goodness.” (You may need to explain that “the heathen” are those who don’t believe in God.) Invite them to add their own names to the list. How do we partake of the Lord’s goodness?
Talk with the children briefly about how children around the world are different, and testify that the Lord loves all of them (see 2 Nephi 26:24, 33). Invite the children to draw a picture of Jesus with many different children.
Heavenly Father reveals truth “line upon line.”
Nephi warned against the attitude that we don’t need any more truth from God. Help the children see gospel learning as a gradual, lifelong pursuit.
Possible Activities
Choose a phrase from 2 Nephi 28:30, and ask a child to write the first word on the board. Then ask another child to write the next word, and so on until the whole phrase is written. How is this activity similar to the way God gives us truth?
Help the children read and understand 2 Nephi 28:27–30, looking for answers to a question like this: What do these verses teach about people who believe they have enough truth and need no more? Ask them to suggest ways we can show the Lord that we want to receive more truth from Him.
The Book of Mormon and the Bible work together.
Because we have the Bible, some people believe that the Book of Mormon is unnecessary. These verses can help the children understand, and explain to others, why we are thankful for both books of scripture.
Possible Activities
Give one child a copy of the Book of Mormon and another a copy of the Bible. Ask them how these books are similar and how they are different. Show the children a map of the world, and help them match each book with the part of the world it came from. Read and discuss 2 Nephi 29:8. Why did God give us two “testimonies” or books of scripture that teach us about Him?
Ask the children to imagine that a friend told them, “I don’t need to read the Book of Mormon. I’ve already read the Bible.” Read together 2 Nephi 29:7–11, explaining phrases and concepts as needed. Then ask them to share ideas about what they might say to their friend.
Encourage Learning at Home
Invite the children to explain to their families how the Bible and the Book of Mormon work together to testify of Jesus Christ.
Improving Our Teaching
Focus on people, not lessons. The ideas in this outline are only suggestions. Feel free to adapt them to the needs and abilities of the children you teach.