“April 24–30. Moses 7: ‘The Lord Called His People Zion’” Come, Follow Me: Living, Learning, and Teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for Primary (2017)
“April 24–30. Moses 7,” Come, Follow Me for Primary
April 24–30
Moses 7
“The Lord Called His People Zion”
Start your preparation by reading Moses 7. Come, Follow Me for individuals and families can help you understand this chapter, and the ideas below can give you ideas about how to teach it to children.
Improving Our Teaching
Help children be active. “As you teach children, allow them to build, draw, color, write, and create. These things are more than fun activities—they are essential to learning” (Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 25).
Invite Sharing
Ask the children about experiences they may have had during the week related to what they are learning. For example, when they had to do something hard, did they think about Enoch and his experiences in Moses 6?
Teach the Doctrine
Younger Children
God wants us to love each other.
These verses describe characteristics of the people of Zion. How can you help the children begin to develop these characteristics?
Possible Activities
Share the story of Enoch’s people from chapter 5 in Old Testament Stories (22–25), or tell the story in your own words using the picture of Enoch in this week’s study outline in Come, Follow Me for individuals and families.
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Repeat with the children the phrase “one heart and one mind” (Moses 7:18). Explain that this means the people of Enoch loved each other. Invite them to use this week’s activity page to draw a way they can show love.
Sing the second verse of “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, 110–11).
Heavenly Father is happy when I make good choices and sad when I make bad choices.
Enoch saw God crying because His children made bad choices. You can help the children learn that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ care about us and our actions.
Possible Activities
Read Moses 7:28 with the children, and ask them what would make Heavenly Father sad (see verses 32–33). What makes Him happy?
Let the children draw a happy face on one side of a piece of paper and a sad face on the other side. Name some good and bad actions—like “say a prayer” or “tell a lie”—and ask the children to hold up the sad face or happy face to show how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ would feel about each choice.
Share with each of the children something you have seen them do that would make Heavenly Father happy.
Jesus will come back to earth.
In his vision, Enoch saw the latter days, including the Savior’s Second Coming. How can you help the children look forward to the Second Coming?
Possible Activities
Tell the children to imagine that a special guest is coming to visit them. What would they do to prepare for such a visit? Use this activity to help the children understand ways they can prepare for Jesus to come again.
Show pictures of times when the Savior appeared to people (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 60, 82, 83, and 84). What are the people doing in the pictures? How might they have felt?
Sing “When He Comes Again” (Children’s Songbook, 82), and ask the children what they think it will be like when Jesus comes again.
Teach the Doctrine
Older Children
We can be like the people of Zion.
As you read about Zion, reflect on examples you have seen of unity among Latter-day Saints and others. How can you help the children learn to become unified, as Enoch’s people were?
Possible Activities
Ask the children to look for characteristics of Enoch’s people as they read Moses 7:18. Write these characteristics as headings at the top of the board, and invite the children to write things they can do to be like Enoch’s people under each heading.
Ask the children to count how many times the word “Zion” appears in Moses 7:18–21, 68–69. Each time the word appears, ask the children to identify a characteristic or fact about Zion. How can we be more like the people described in these verses?
Use this week’s activity page to help the children think about ways they can be “of one heart and one mind” (see Moses 7:18).
God weeps for His children.
How can you help the children discover that God cares about us and our actions?
Possible Activities
Ask the children what might cause God to cry. Invite the children to search Moses 7:32–37 for answers.
What does Moses 7:28, 32–33 teach about how God feels about His children? How might He feel while watching people today?
Toss a bean bag or ball to a child. Ask him or her to finish the phrase “I can make God happy by ” and then toss the object to another child. Repeat until every child has had a turn.
Jesus Christ will come again in the last days.
As you read about the Second Coming in Moses 7:59–67, think of ways to teach the children about it in a joyful way.
Possible Activities
Have the children read Moses 7:59–67, and help them make a list on the board of things that will happen before the Second Coming.
Invite the children to talk about a time when they waited for someone to visit or return home. How did they feel? What did they do to get ready? How can we prepare to see Jesus again?
Show a picture of the Savior’s Second Coming (for example, Gospel Art Book, no. 66). Let the children draw their own pictures of the Second Coming, based on what they read in Moses 7:59–67.
Encourage Learning at Home
How can you encourage children and their families to continue to learn from the Old Testament at home? For example, children could share something they drew or colored as part of a family home evening lesson.
Sharing Time
Singing Time (25 minutes)
Select songs from the Children’s Songbook (music.lds.org) that reinforce principles the children are learning this month, such as love, obedience, following the prophet, covenants, and prayer. Here are some songs you might use:
“Love at Home,” Hymns, no. 294
“Keep the Commandments,” Children’s Songbook, 146
It might be fun to bring pictures—or let the children draw pictures—that illustrate key phrases in the songs.
Sharing by Children (10 minutes)
Create opportunities for children to share how they are learning and living the gospel.
Younger Children
Ask the children to share ways they can show love to each other in Primary and in their homes. Let them draw pictures of their ideas.
Invite the children to play a game in which they act out ways to make Heavenly Father happy. Ask the other children to guess what they are doing.
Older Children
Ask the children what they think it would be like to live in the city of Enoch (see Moses 7:18). After they share, ask the children how they can make Primary more like Zion.
Invite a few children from each class to share something they learned in their most recent lesson. As part of this sharing, children could bear their testimonies.