“Using Come, Follow Me—For Aaronic Priesthood Quorums and Young Women Classes,” Come, Follow Me—For Aaronic Priesthood Quorums and Young Women Classes: Doctrinal Topics 2022 (2022)
“Using Come, Follow Me—For Aaronic Priesthood Quorums and Young Women Classes,” Come, Follow Me—For Aaronic Priesthood Quorums and Young Women Classes: Doctrinal Topics 2022
Using Come, Follow Me—For Aaronic Priesthood Quorums and Young Women Classes
What Are the Purposes of Our Class and Quorum Meetings?
The Lord has given you a sacred trust: He has called you to serve in a Young Women class presidency or an Aaronic Priesthood quorum presidency. Part of your responsibility is to lead and conduct your class or quorum meetings on Sunday. To do this, it helps to understand why we have these meetings.
Young Women class and Aaronic Priesthood quorum meetings are different from Church classes like Sunday School or seminary. In class or quorum meetings, we do more than study a gospel topic. We learn about the work God has given us, and we organize the members of our class or quorum to do that work in our homes, in the Church, and in our communities. In these meetings, we don’t just talk about the work—we make plans to fulfill our roles as part of the Lord’s youth battalion, including helping to gather Israel.
In class and quorum meetings, we make plans to fulfill our roles as part of the Lord’s youth battalion.
But this emphasis on the work doesn’t mean that we leave doctrinal discussions only for Sunday School. In fact, learning doctrine in Young Women classes and Aaronic Priesthood quorum meetings is essential—it helps us strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ, understand Heavenly Father’s plan, and take part in Their work. As we study the gospel together, the truths we learn can change our hearts and help us know how to act in more Christlike ways. We can receive promptings about ways to increase “in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52). As we become more converted to Jesus Christ and His gospel, we will find joy and feel desires to help others along the covenant path.
Who Leads These Meetings?
God has called you as class and quorum presidencies and given you authority to lead. That is why each meeting of your class or quorum should be conducted by a member of your class or quorum presidency. Adult leaders should offer guidance and support, but they should not take over for you. See the section titled “Counsel Together” at the beginning of each outline in this resource for ideas to help you know how to lead a meeting and accomplish its true purposes. Use presidency meetings to plan how you will conduct these Sunday meetings.
Who Should Teach the Lesson?
Adult leaders, a member of the class or quorum presidency, or any other member of the class or quorum can teach the lessons. As the class or quorum presidency, consult with your adult leaders about who should be assigned to teach the lessons. Remember that your adult leaders have much to offer. Seek to learn from their experience and testimonies. There are also advantages to asking youth to teach—teaching can help deepen their conversion and help them build stronger relationships with other class or quorum members. So give them appropriate opportunities to teach all or part of a lesson, keeping in mind the needs and abilities of the people in your class or quorum. For example, adult leaders may teach more often in classes or quorums with younger youth or with youth who have less experience in teaching the gospel. When youth are invited to teach, a parent or an adult adviser should help them prepare as needed.
Those assigned to teach can use the section titled “Teach the Doctrine” in each outline in this resource to help them prepare. This section contains suggestions for teaching and discussing the doctrine for that week, but teachers should not feel limited to these suggestions alone. As the Spirit directs, teachers can adapt these ideas or use their own to teach in a way that will best meet the needs of class or quorum members and help them understand and apply the doctrine.
What Doctrinal Topics Will We Discuss in Our Meetings?
The topic of each week’s outline is a doctrinal principle that has been selected to align with the Old Testament reading recommended for that week, found in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families. In this way, doctrinal discussions in class or quorum meetings will support what youth are learning at home.
Even though outlines are to be taught on specific Sundays, you still have the option to discuss other doctrinal topics based on the needs of your class or quorum.
This resource includes outlines for every week when Young Women classes and Aaronic Priesthood quorum meetings are held. On occasion, you may need to skip a lesson because of stake conferences or other reasons.
What Is the Role of Our Adult Leaders?
Your adult leaders play an important role in Young Women classes and Aaronic Priesthood quorums. They will guide and advise you in your leadership callings. They will support and encourage you as you do the work of your class or quorum. They will teach you doctrine, and they will bless you through their example, experience, and testimony.