Seminaries and Institutes
The Book of Jarom

“The Book of Jarom,” Book of Mormon Teacher Resource Manual (2004), 93

“The Book of Jarom,” Book of Mormon Teacher Resource Manual, 93

The Book of Jarom

Jarom, like his father Enos, wrote only a few words in the Book of Mormon, but his words are powerful. One reason for his short account may be that the small plates he wrote on were nearly completed when he received them (see Jarom 1:2, 14). Jarom had the spirit of prophecy and revelation (see v. 2). He lived in a time of Nephite prosperity (see v. 8). The Lamanites came against them in battle, but the Nephites, led by “mighty men in the faith,” prevailed (see v. 7). Jarom records that this was accomplished because the people believed the prophets, who taught them to believe in Christ “as though he already was” (v. 11) and warned them of destruction if they did not keep the commandments (see vv. 9–12).