“Learning by Faith: The Role of the Learner,” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)
“Learning by Faith,” Book of Mormon Student Manual
Introductory Materials
Learning by Faith
The Role of the Learner
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you and want to teach you the gospel by the power of the Holy Ghost. What can you do to receive more of what They are willing to teach you? This lesson can help you get the most out of your seminary experience by understanding what it means to learn by faith in Jesus Christ.
The Lord loves effort
Watch the video “An Especially Noble Calling,” available on ChurchofJesusChrist.org, from time code 2:16 to 3:49 or read the statement below. Think about situations in which this statement could be applied.
President Russell M. Nelson taught:
An Especially Noble Calling
The Lord loves effort, because effort brings rewards that can’t come without it. (Russell M. Nelson, in Joy D. Jones, “An Especially Noble Calling,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 16)
How could we apply President Nelson’s statement in our lives? For example, how might it apply to missionary work, ministering, or getting an education?
How do you think it could apply to learning the gospel of Jesus Christ in seminary this year?
To help you evaluate your own gospel learning, think about the following questions:
What efforts are you currently making to learn the gospel of Jesus Christ? How have you invited God to teach you?
Do you feel that you are getting the results you want and need? Why or why not?
As you study this lesson, think about ways you want to learn and grow this year in seminary. Seek Heavenly Father’s guidance through the Holy Ghost to help you know how to apply this lesson to your life.
Book of Mormon teachings
Read at least two of the following doctrinal mastery passages, looking for how our own efforts and desires play a role and how God plays a role in our gospel learning.
What did you find that could help you learn more from God during seminary?
What do you think the results would be if someone expected God to give them knowledge but did not make their own effort? Or if they made an effort but did not seek God’s help? Why?
Based on what you have studied so far today, summarize in one sentence what you understand about learning the gospel.
Can seminary change your life?
Watch the video “Seminary Can Change Lives” (4:14), available on ChurchofJesusChrist.org. As you watch, think about possible reasons why the video was named “Seminary Can Change Lives” rather than “Seminary Will Change Your Life.”
Seminary Can Change Lives
Why do you think it is accurate to say that seminary can change lives?
Read the following statement by President Russell M. Nelson, looking for what will help determine whether your life will be changed by seminary.
The more you follow the example of Jesus Christ, the more successful you will be.
What, then, will help you become such a devout disciple of Jesus Christ? One answer is seminary and institute—not just attending but actively participating in class and faithfully following through with any assignments given. …
Graduating from seminary and institute will increase your ability to excel in the most important things you will ever do in life. True joy will be yours! (Russell M. Nelson, “A Personal Invitation to Participate in Seminary and Institute,” Feb. 2019, ChurchofJesusChrist.org)
What stood out to you in President Nelson’s statement? Why?
How could you focus on following Jesus Christ during your experience in seminary?
What do you think “actively participating” in seminary means?
How to get the most out of seminary
Record your advice for the following scenario.
Imagine that the young man in this picture is attending seminary for the first time. He wants to learn and grow spiritually but is unsure how to do it. Based on what you have learned today and your past experience in seminary and church, record the advice you would give him.
Be sure to include
what he could do before, during, and after class to enhance his spiritual learning
how he could focus on following the Savior and invite the Holy Ghost to teach him
Set a goal to get the most out of your seminary experience this year. To do this, you might answer the following questions:
What are you hoping to get out of seminary this year?
What are you willing to do to show the Lord that you want to learn from Him and become more like Him?