Discipleship in Daily Life
January 2024

Digital Only: Church Leaders’ Teachings from Social Media

Discipleship in Daily Life

See what prophets, apostles, and other Church leaders have taught on social media about following the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Christ healing the man afflicted with palsy

During His mortal ministry, the Savior taught: “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed” (John 8:31). The Bible Dictionary entry for “Disciple” describes those individuals as “followers of Jesus Christ.” As we seek to follow the Savior’s example, He will lead us back to Heavenly Father.

President Dallin H. Oaks, First Counselor in the First Presidency, has reminded us that “the gospel of Jesus Christ is the plan by which we can become what children of God are supposed to become. This spotless and perfected state will result from a steady succession of covenants, ordinances, and actions, an accumulation of right choices, and from continuing repentance. ‘This life is the time for men to prepare to meet God’ (Alma 34:32).

“Now is the time for each of us to work toward our personal conversion, toward becoming what our Heavenly Father desires us to become.”1

Wherever we are on our journey of discipleship, these recent social media messages from Church leaders can help us continue to be faithful as Jesus Christ’s disciples.

Direction on Nontraditional Paths

President M. Russell Ballard

“You might feel like you’re not on the ‘traditional’ path that your peers are on. You might be fearful about moving forward in life because you could go many different directions. You might worry about becoming what the Lord would have you become—stuck at a crossroads of possibility.

“Rather than worrying if you’re on the right path, focus your energy on doing those things that will make a difference. Set clear and specific goals to become what you want. Seek the Lord’s guidance throughout this process.

“If you’re unsure of the next step in your path, act ‘as if’ you were the person you would like to be. As you do that, you will grow into that kind of person. Ultimately your very actions, your attitude, will lead you toward being the kind of person you want to be.

“As you work toward becoming this person and you have faith in God’s plan for you, you will feel peace that your life is moving forward in a positive direction—even if it isn’t completely clear or it’s different from those around you.”

President M. Russell Ballard, Facebook, Aug. 23, 2023, facebook.com/mrussell.ballard.

Difficult and Demanding Times of Discipleship

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

“God watches over us[.] … We can always trust in Him[.] … He very often answers our prayers through other people.

“On days when we feel we have been pushed to our limit, we are reminded that we won’t be pushed beyond our faith. The old adage is, ‘man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.’ We won’t discover just how much strength we do have until it is tested, refined, and tested again.

“Often—perhaps usually—it is the difficult, demanding times of our lives that are the growth periods—the defining periods. They are the ones that take us from who we are now to who we are meant to be.”

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Facebook, June 6, 2023, facebook.com/jeffreyr.holland.

Disciples United on the Covenant Path

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Harriet and I recently returned from a wonderful ministry visit to Dubai. …

“… We attended a beautiful sacrament meeting in a rented hotel ballroom, worshipping God with other disciples of Jesus Christ from around the globe. Our hearts were filled with gratitude as we felt embraced by the members of the Church there. How wonderful it is to be part of a global church proclaiming and practicing the universal gospel of Jesus Christ.

“Whoever we are or wherever we may be, Jesus Christ is our strength. We can find peace in Him and unity with His faithful disciples whether we are in Utah or Dubai, London or Brazil. No matter where we are in the world, we are all united on the covenant path back home to our loving Father.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Facebook, Mar. 16, 2023, facebook.com/dieterf.uchtdorf.

The Savior’s Path

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“From His birth to His crucifixion and ultimate resurrection, Jesus Christ was on a journey to fulfill the mission set out before Him. Our mission as His disciples is to learn to follow His path.

“It has been a joyous experience this week to spiritually and physically follow the Savior’s footsteps—including in Bethlehem, the place of the Savior’s birth and where His earthly journey began.

“While visiting the Church of St. Catherine, recognized as the traditional birthplace of Jesus Christ, I thought of the journey of discipleship we are all on. I shared some of my thoughts about discipleship at a devotional at the BYU Jerusalem Center.

“As followers of Jesus Christ, we seek to become like our Savior and follow His example in all we do. From the very moment we set foot upon the pathway of discipleship, seen and unseen blessings from God begin to attend us.

“No matter where we are, you and I can walk in the path of discipleship today. Let us be humble; let us pray to our Father in Heaven with all our heart and express our desire to draw close to Him and learn of Him.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Facebook, Apr. 22, 2023, facebook.com/dieterf.uchtdorf.

two illustrated figures on a path

Disciples—Learning and Following

Elder Neil L. Andersen

“Do. Become. Overcome. Share.

“There are few experiences as lifting as being with the missionaries at the MTC. It was inspiring! Kathy and I, with some of our family members, were recently there. Here are some thoughts that apply to all of us.

“Missionaries need to develop a strong and clear understanding of what they believe, what they know, and what they feel. This has a strong impact on what they do. The same is true for you and me.

“Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ is more than just learning about Him. It requires studying God’s words in the scriptures, acting in accordance with our faith, and following the Savior’s example. Learning and following go hand in hand.

“With the experience of a mission, I learned how to depend on the Savior, lean on Him, seek Him, and let Him comfort me as I moved through challenges. These lessons have guided me throughout my life, as your experiences have guided you.

“As missionaries—and as followers of Jesus Christ—we teach and help those who are ready to come closer to the Savior. Through our actions and words, all people with whom we interact should feel a witness of God’s love for them and our devotion to our Savior, Jesus Christ.”

Elder Neil L. Andersen, Facebook, Apr. 23, 2023, facebook.com/neill.andersen.

The Safest, Fastest, and Happiest Way Forward

Elder Gerrit W. Gong

“‘I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me’ (Philippians 4:13). …

“As young disciples of Christ at this time, you will face daunting obstacles. …

“Please remember that the covenant path is the safest, fastest, and happiest way forward. These covenants—along with prophets, seers, and revelators—act as trail markers, guiding your journey back to our Heavenly Father.”

Elder Gerrit W. Gong, Facebook, Jan. 30, 2023, facebook.com/gerritw.gong.

Promoters of Peace

Elder Ulisses Soares

“As followers of Jesus Christ, we are promoters of the peace so generously offered through Him and His atoning sacrifice.

“One way we promote the peace of the Savior is the manner in which we treat each other. One of the most evident signs that we are drawing closer to the Savior and becoming more like Him is the loving, patient, and kind way with which we treat our fellow beings, whatever the circumstances.

“As we strive to develop attributes like the Savior’s, we can become instruments of His peace in the world according to the pattern that He Himself established. I invite you to consider ways we can transform ourselves into uplifting and supportive people, people who have an understanding and forgiving heart, people who look for the best in others, always remembering that “if there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things” (Articles of Faith 1:13).”

Elder Ulisses Soares, Facebook, Apr. 2, 2023, facebook.com/soares.u.

An Inspiring Disciple

Elder Ulisses Soares

“My recent visit to Brazil included an unexpected—yet unforgettable—experience with an inspiring disciple of Christ named Marcos Rossi.

“Marcos was born with Hanhart syndrome, a rare disorder that kept his arms and legs from fully developing. The doctors only gave him 30 years to live, but now clear of that mark, he continues to see past his limitations. He is a husband and father, an author, a surfer, skateboarder, scuba diver, DJ, singer, international speaker, and more.

“We all have limitations, but what matters is how we learn and grow from the obstacles that might otherwise set us back. Despite his struggles, Marcos’ faith is strong. He understands his trials are temporary. His gratitude for Heavenly Father’s eternal plan keeps him happy and motivated each day.

“Our Father wants for us to return to Him one day and we are promised we can be perfected in the Savior. Until that day, He is with us on each step of our mortal journey. As we turn to Him, we will find joy despite the challenges before us.”

Elder Ulisses Soares, Facebook, Aug. 14, 2023, facebook.com/soares.u.

Daily Devotion to God

President Camille N. Johnson

“We find relief—from disappointment, heartache, and any challenge—as we align our hearts and minds with Jesus Christ. To get and stay aligned with Him, we engage in daily devotion to God, praying and studying the scriptures. We repent daily. We serve. We use words that are ‘virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy’ (Articles of Faith 1:13).

“All of this invites the Spirit to be present in our lives. We listen intently for the manifestations of the Holy Ghost. We adjust our thoughts and what occupies our time to make sure we are making constant contact with heaven.”

Sister Camille N. Johnson, Facebook, Aug. 29, 2023, facebook.com/RSGeneralPresident.

Your Pace and Your Progress

Sister Kristin M. Yee

“I ran a 5K last Saturday with some of the most wonderful women and men at the Utah YSA conference ‘Together in Christ.’ I was touched by the Spirit of that evening. We had so much fun and felt energized as we gathered together and talked of Christ and ran near His holy house. Several analogies stood out to me that I wanted to share with you.

“First, we were meant to run at our own pace.

“My goal for this 5K was to keep running, don’t stop, and finish (keeping the pressure low!). As I prepared, I realized I could go much farther if I ran at my pace and was consistent. In this beautiful run, some people ran fast, some ran slow, some walked, and some pushed friends or family in wheelchairs. It was not about who came in first or last, but it was about encouraging each other to keep going, doing it together, and finishing.

“Your pace and progress is between you and the Lord. And I think He’s not so much concerned about your placement in comparison to the person ahead of you or behind you. Rather, I think He’s focused on helping you to keep going wherever you are in your personal journey back home to Him. So find and enjoy the pace that works for you, and let Heavenly Father and the Savior strengthen and enlighten your steps!

“Second, we run better together!

“I loved meeting and running with so many incredible disciples of the Savior! With others beside me, I felt motivated to keep going, and the distance didn’t feel as long. One sister said to me, ‘I can run so much better with you!’ I loved that we cheered each other on. Helping others along the way actually gave us the motivation to keep going. I somehow had the breath to visit while running and felt as though I could’ve kept on going. I think that was because of who I was running with and Who we were really running for. We were gathering together in Christ.

“And just as we lifted and encouraged each other in this 5K run, the Savior often works through others in this mortal run to lift our burdens and give us strength, encouragement, safety, comfort, and increased joy. He gives us relief through those that run beside us.

“The last leg was long and uphill and directly toward the Saratoga Springs Utah Temple, which was glowing in the night. I won’t soon forget the comradery and love offered and received as we pressed our way to the finish. May we strengthen each other and feel increased joy as we run this journey together in Christ.”

Sister Kristin M. Yee, Facebook, Aug. 18, 2023, facebook.com/RS2ndCounselor.

Jesus Christ’s Example in Our Daily Lives

Sister Tracy Y. Browning

“Jesus Christ invites us to follow His example in our daily lives. And He also promises happiness as we try to do our best to follow Him and pattern our lives after His. I’ve recently felt a greater desire to be more patient like our Savior. Jesus Christ, in His earthly life and ministry, was the perfect example of patience. He bore all things and did all things with willing submission to Heavenly Father. …

“I love [the] song [‘I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus’] because it represents so much of what I’m trying to do every single day, which is follow after the example of our Savior.

“… A part of verse one says … : ‘I’m trying to be like Jesus; I’m following in his ways.’ I love that message.

“We can learn more about that in John 13:15 ...[:] ‘For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done.’ That’s powerful instruction to me that the Savior provides a pattern for us to follow, that as we seek for Him and seek after His pattern, that we can become more like Him.

“So I invite you to learn today: What are the ways that Jesus wants us to become more like Him? And be quite intentional about trying to include some of those in your behaviors and your actions and your speech today.”

Sister Tracy Y. Browning, Facebook, Apr. 27, 2023, facebook.com/Primary2ndCounselor.

Children as Disciples of Jesus Christ

Sister Tracy Y. Browning

“Children may be small in stature, but they’re not small in spirit. Most children don’t use big words, and they explain things very simply. They are fearless in what they know is true. They proclaim things. There’s not a lot of equivocating. It makes their testimonies powerful to me, and I hope we can see them as disciples of Jesus Christ.

“We invite them to make covenants at eight years old, and they do. And they are also disciples. As we invite them to use their discipleship, look at them as disciples, and treat them as disciples, they will rise to whatever bar we set for them.”

Sister Tracy Y. Browning, Facebook, Aug. 11, 2023, facebook.com/Primary2ndCounselor.