Prophetic Teachings for Our Day—Recent Messages from Prophets, Apostles, and Other Church Leaders
October 2023

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Prophetic Teachings for Our Day—Recent Messages from Prophets, Apostles, and Other Church Leaders

See what Church leaders have taught recently on social media about how Jesus Christ leads and blesses His Church through His called servants.

Christ teaching the disciples

Go Ye Therefore, and Teach All Nations, by Harry Anderson

“If the Restoration did anything,” said President Russell M. Nelson, “it shattered the age-old myth that God had stopped talking to His children. Nothing could be further from the truth. A prophet has stood at the head of God’s Church in all dispensations, from Adam to the present day [see Bible Dictionary, “Dispensations”]. Prophets testify of Jesus Christ—of His divinity and of His earthly mission and ministry. We honor the Prophet Joseph Smith as the prophet of this last dispensation. And we honor each man who has succeeded him as President of the Church.”

Speaking then as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, President Nelson added, “Often we sing, ‘We thank thee, O God, for a prophet’ [Hymns, no. 19]. Do you and I really understand what that means? Imagine the privilege the Lord has given us of sustaining His prophet, whose counsel will be untainted, unvarnished, unmotivated by any personal aspiration, and utterly true!”1

How else are we blessed by the prophets and apostles who represent the Lord in their callings in the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles? Recent teachings from Church leaders on social media have spoken about the role of prophets and of messages from Church leaders at general conference. You can also study more about this topic from past general conference talks about prophets.

One Suggestion for Listening to General Conference

Elder David A. Bednar

“We’re on the eve of another general conference. I’d like to just make one suggestion for you to consider that can greatly increase the impact of this conference in your life. Have questions in your mind and in your heart. As you exercise faith in the Lord to formulate and consider those questions, and as you actively listen by the power of the Holy Ghost, you will receive the answers that you need.”

Elder David A. Bednar, Facebook (video), Mar. 31, 2022, facebook.com/davida.bednar.

Immunity and a Safe Harbor

Elder Quentin L. Cook

“In the doctrines of the Church, faith and the quest for knowledge are not inconsistent; they are compatible and complementary. Today … at Brigham Young University, I discussed some of the doctrines and initiatives that have been provided by Presidents of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints over the last 100 years.

“The doctrines I chose to discuss are significant in that they provide an immunity to protect against specific challenges and evils not only for the times the revelations were received but also to protect future generations.

“For example, in 1922 …, Heber J. Grant was the prophet and President of the Church. One principle he continually emphasized was the Word of Wisdom.

“President Grant was inspired during his service as the prophet to make compliance with the Word of Wisdom a requirement for receiving a temple recommend. He also was noted for continuing to teach the principles of the Word of Wisdom over the many years he served.

“We live in a day when many people say they follow the science in health matters. The terrible health results from both smoking and alcohol use are now clearly established by science. I am grateful that prophetic revelations and declarations have provided both immunity and a safe harbor for faithful members of the Church. Adherence to prophetic revelation from the Lord’s called prophet has brought safety and peace.”

Elder Quentin L. Cook, Facebook, Aug. 16, 2022, facebook.com/quentin.lcook.

Joseph Smith’s Role in Leading Us to Jesus Christ

Elder D. Todd Christofferson

“I was honored to represent The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints yesterday at The World Peace Dome in Pune, India, as a statue of the Prophet Joseph Smith was added to this majestic hall built to promote world peace. 

“We acknowledge Joseph Smith’s continuing influence for good in the world, the revelations he brought forth, his example of sacrifice and service, and his devotion to and witness of the living God.

“Though we revere Joseph Smith as a prophet, unquestionably the most notable statue for me and for all members of the restored Church of Jesus Christ is the statue of the Savior Jesus Christ that stands in this dome.

“In 1820, young Joseph sought solitude in a grove of trees near his home to pray for answers. While calling upon God, he saw two glorious persons, God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, standing above him in the air in ‘a pillar of light.’ They spoke to Joseph and told him that the fulness of the gospel would be restored to earth through him in the future.

“We have ever since referred to this incomparable theophany as the ‘First Vision,’ and it is foundational to all that has followed in God’s unfolding plan for the redemption of all of us, His children.

“As a special witness of the name of Jesus Christ, I attest that He is the central figure who makes God’s plan of redemption possible for each of us.”

Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Facebook, Nov. 23, 2022, facebook.com/dtodd.christofferson.

Voices of Truth

Elder Neil L. Andersen

“Who are you listening to?

“The answer to this question will shape your future and your eternal destiny. Will you largely be influenced by virtuous, motivating, righteous, insightful, and spiritually sensitive voices, or will you be influenced more by negative, complaining, flattering, cynical, and carnal voices?

“Listen to those who truly love you and honestly want you to have eternal life in the presence of God.

“Listen to the words of the Lord’s prophet and apostles.

“Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

“Listen to the words of Jesus Christ by studying His words and putting His commandments in your heart.

“I give you my promise that as you continually listen to the voices of truth, you will remain spiritually safe and become even more than you are today.”

Elder Neil L. Andersen, Facebook, Apr. 14, 2022, facebook.com/neill.andersen

The Decision to Always Follow the Living Prophet

Elder Ronald A. Rasband

“Melanie and I loved speaking with missionaries in a broadcast to missionary training centers around the globe recently. The message and promise I gave to those missionaries extend to each of us: If we follow the Lord’s called prophet, we will be brought closer to the Savior and know that He is the living Christ.

“The decision to always follow the living prophet has influenced my life and my family’s lives more than any other decision. I know making this choice will have the same influence on you and your loved ones as well.”

Elder Ronald A. Rasband, Facebook, Oct. 27, 2022, facebook.com/RonaldARasband.

Advice for Almost Any Difficult Circumstance

Elder Ronald A. Rasband

“If I had to choose one piece of advice to give that would cover almost any difficult circumstance we face today, this would be my counsel: choose to follow God’s living prophet.

“I was grateful to share this message during a live devotional with young Latter-day Saints in the Africa South and Central Areas. As we answered questions from these individuals, I pictured the faces of those asking. I know that the Lord is aware of each of our struggles and questions and wants to help us find peace.”

Elder Ronald A. Rasband, Facebook, Nov. 19, 2021, facebook.com/RonaldARasband.

Learning How to Walk with the Lord

Elder Ulisses Soares

“Truly there is no greater, more thrilling, and more soul-ennobling challenge than learning how to walk with the Lord and simultaneously receiving the magnificent blessing of having Him walk with us. …

“Please consider the following as you continue to learn to walk with the Lord:

“First, ask God for inspiration on how to balance your busy schedule so you can spend time studying the The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ regularly. The truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ are taught most clearly and powerfully in the Book of Mormon.

“Second, spend more time with the Lord in His temples. Temples are literally houses of the Lord. And when we are there, we can feel a distinct impression that we have left the lone and dreary world behind.

“Third, follow the words of our living prophets. As you walk with and listen to latter-day prophets and apostles, you will find yourself walking more with Jesus.

“Jesus Christ lives and … His perfect love is extended to all who come unto Him. He is always near, patiently waiting for us when we are weary by the way and forever walking with us wherever we may be.”

Elder Ulisses Soares, Facebook, Dec. 8, 2022, facebook.com/soares.u.

Vessels to Share the Living Water

Sister Susan H. Porter

“I love general conference! For me, general conference is one of the great manifestations of the living water that the Savior offers us. As the Saturday morning session opens, I feel like the Samaritan woman at the well, who, when the Savior offered her living water, replied, “Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not” (John 4:15).

“As the Tabernacle Choir sings and testimonies of the living Christ are declared, I feel like a sponge submerged in life-giving water, wanting to absorb the messages that a loving Heavenly Father has for me. What does He want me to understand? What would He have me do?

“I am deeply grateful for the countless prayerful hours that prophets and apostles and other Church leaders spend so that they can be vessels to share the living water that our parched souls are seeking.

“‘Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life’ (John 4:14).”

President Susan H. Porter, Facebook, Mar. 31, 2023, facebook.com/PrimaryPresident.

An Extension of Heavenly Father’s Love for Us

Sister Susan H. Porter

“Sister Amy A. Wright, Sister Tracy Y. Browning, and I had the sacred privilege of being set apart by the First Presidency a few weeks ago. When we walked into the room, President Nelson shook each person’s hand and took a moment to look deeply into our eyes. My son, who was with me, told me later how he felt deep love and warmth as he shook President Nelson’s hand.

“I know that President Nelson feels that love for each member of the Church! It is an extension of the love our Heavenly Father feels for us. This weekend at general conference, we will hear messages of love and hope from our dear prophet, as well as so many other inspired and dedicated leaders who love you and love the Lord. Will you please join me in listening?”

President Susan H. Porter, Facebook, Sept. 30, 2022, facebook.com/PrimaryPresident.

Gathered to Hear What the Lord Would Teach Us

Sister J. Anette Dennis

“I love general conference! For me, it has always been a time to gather with our family to listen to what the Lord would teach us through His prophets and other leaders. It brings a special feeling to know that people all over the world are gathering at the same time to listen to a prophet’s voice.

“I also love the story of King Benjamin, a prophet and king in the Book of Mormon, when he called his people to gather to the temple to listen to his teachings before he died. The scriptures say they all came and ‘pitched their tents round about, every man according to his family’ (Mosiah 2:5) with their tent doors toward the temple so they could stay in their tents and hear what the Lord would teach them through the words of their prophet. Such a great multitude gathered that a tower was built so they could better hear King Benjamin’s words. But even so, some still couldn’t hear him, so he instructed that his words should be written down and sent to those who were not within the sound of his voice.

“We do a similar thing today. Every six months, our prophet calls us to gather to hear what the Lord would teach us through His servants. Relatively few are able to physically gather where the prophet and other leaders are speaking. But because of the blessing of modern technology, most of us are able to gather in our own homes to watch or listen to the prophet’s voice. And then, just as in King Benjamin’s time, all those teachings are written in our own language and sent to us so that we have them to study and remember. What a blessing to be able to listen to a prophet’s voice and hear the word of God!”

Sister J. Anette Dennis, Facebook, Apr. 2, 2023, facebook.com/RS1stCounselor.

Directing Our Vision to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ

Sister Amy A. Wright

“An image that will forever live in my memory took place during the October 2022 general conference. I had the privilege of sitting almost directly behind the pulpit. This gave me a unique vantage point to look out and watch as words from the speakers were reflected on the faces of those listening.

“At the end of the Sunday afternoon session, our beloved prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, was speaking, and it was obvious that every single person in the Conference Center was riveted by him. Then all of the sudden, almost as if orchestrated by a conductor, half of the congregation turned their view upward and to the right, while the other half tuned their view upward and to the left.

“It was an unsettling feeling at first to see that no one was looking at the prophet anymore. Why? Because he had directed their attention toward two large screens depicting Jesus Christ’s visit to ancient America. He had directed their vision to Jesus Christ!

“The profound significance of this image was not lost on me. The role of a prophet, seer, and revelator is always to direct our vision upward, to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

“I testify that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ’s Church, and President Russell M. Nelson is Jesus Christ’s prophet. Follow the prophet; He knows the way!”

Sister Amy A. Wright, Facebook, Mar. 29, 2023, facebook.com/Primary1stCounselor.

Supporting Doctrines and Truths Taught by Prophets

Sister Tracy Y. Browning

“How many of you remember those school worksheets that would have you draw lines that matched the relationship between pictures, peoples, or objects listed across two columns? Maybe in one column you’d find a picture of a vase, and in the next column would be found an image of a flower. Drawing a line, connecting the two, illustrated the relationship between them.

“These activities were meant to help learners recognize a correspondence, affinity, or congruity between things. On a recent ministry assignment in Lithuania, this exercise from my early school days came to my mind when a thoughtful missionary serving there asked about how I prepare myself for general conference.

“I described that as general conference approached, I focused my study very closely on the messages given by the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. And I feel quite confident doing so because I recognize that all the surrounding messages given by General Authorities and General Officers supported doctrines and truths taught by prophets, seers and revelators.

“As I studied those talks throughout the year, I felt as though I could figuratively draw lines from the messages from these Church leaders to those talks given by the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve. And as general conference draws near, my narrowed study of the words of the prophets provides me with fertile ground on which to plant the additional teachings I will receive next.”

Sister Tracy Y. Browning, Facebook, Mar. 30, 2023, facebook.com/Primary2ndCounselor.
