Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ
July 2023

“Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” Liahona, July 2023.

Monthly Liahona Message, July 2023


Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ

young woman with scriptures open on lap

When we think about the blessings we receive because we are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we want to share the gospel with those we love. We can share our testimonies of the truth through our words and our example. We can pray for inspiration to know whom to share with and what to say.

Jesus reaching out to an invalid man

Love Others

An important part of sharing the gospel is loving others. When we show our love to others through Christlike actions, we are sharing Jesus Christ’s gospel—sometimes without saying a word. And when others know that we genuinely care about them, they may be more open to hearing our thoughts about the gospel. (See Gary E. Stevenson, “Love, Share, Invite,” Liahona, May 2022, 84–87.)

Share in Normal and Natural Ways

We can share what we love about the gospel. When we do this as part of our everyday lives, it won’t be awkward or uncomfortable. For example, we can talk with our family and friends about what we do on Sunday. Or we can tell them about the happiness we feel when we serve others. (See Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Missionary Work: Sharing What Is in Your Heart,” Liahona, May 2019, 15–18.)

Invite Others to Join Us

We can invite others to learn more about the gospel. For example, we can invite them to come to a Church meeting or activity, read the Book of Mormon, watch a Church video, or visit with the missionaries. These experiences can help them feel the Spirit and want to learn more.

two older women sitting and talking

Ask about Their Experience

After friends and family members come to church or have a lesson with the missionaries, we can ask them about their experience. Some teachings of the gospel may be new to them, so we can answer questions they have. We can show our love and support for their efforts to come unto Christ.

Add to Their Beliefs

We value and respect others’ beliefs, and we try to add to the faith they already have. For example, a friend who has found comfort in Bible scriptures may also find comfort in teachings we share from the Book of Mormon.

young women helping an older woman to cross a street

Help New Church Members

When people join the Church, we can help strengthen their faith. We can be their friend, answer their questions, and support them when they receive callings. We can encourage them to continue following Jesus Christ and learning about His gospel.

two missionary elders and a man looking at a phone together

Serve a Full-Time Mission

In addition to sharing the gospel in our everyday lives, Church members can be called to serve as full-time missionaries. If they are prepared, young men may serve as early as age 18. Young women and older adults may also serve. You can find more information at ChurchofJesusChrist.org/callings/missionary.