We Need to Give Him a Blessing
June 2022

“We Need to Give Him a Blessing” (digital-only article), Liahona, June 2022, ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

Digital Only: Portraits of Faith

We Need to Give Him a Blessing

“Do you have faith that the Lord can help you and heal you?” I asked Alan. “Yes, Papá,” he told me, “I do have faith.”

a father with his two sons

Photographs by Leslie Nilsson

“Papá, Alan’s hurt!” Nicole cried as she and her friend Nathalia quickly rode into our camp on their four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle.

We were camping in central Utah with two other families. While my son Alan and his friend Kurt were out riding, they hit a ditch and flipped their four-wheeler. It had landed on top of Alan, but somehow Kurt lifted it off of him.

When I arrived at the scene a few minutes later with two friends, Alan was lying in the ditch, surrounded by several men. He was having trouble breathing, and Kurt looked sick with worry. When Alan tried to get up, a man with a medical bag told him to stay down as he administered first aid and checked his vital signs.

“You’re the father, correct?” he asked as he looked up at me.


“Stay with Alan a minute.”

To my friends Hector and Carlos, he said, “I need to speak with you.”

They went off by themselves, which raised a red flag in my mind. The man’s name was Mike Staheli. Mike, a medical nurse, was camping with some friends. They had planned to return home that morning but felt prompted to stay one more day. His son had seen the accident and immediately called his father for help.

I learned later that Mike had told Hector and Carlos that Alan was in serious condition. Mike feared that Alan might die in the ditch if he didn’t receive medical help soon. Alan’s left leg had swollen to twice its normal size, and Mike feared that Alan had suffered a hip or femoral fracture. Mike was convinced that Alan had broken his now Z-shaped left arm and perhaps some ribs. Mike also feared that Alan had injured some internal organs.

To get Alan to the hospital quickly, Mike said we should call for a medical helicopter, which we did.

“I Do Have Faith”

“Luis,” Hector said for the second time, “we need to give Alan a blessing.”

I hadn’t really heard Hector the first time because I was too focused on Alan. Hector was right.

“We’re going to give you a blessing,” I said to Alan, who had recently been ordained a deacon. “You understand what that means?”

“Yes,” he replied.

“But you have to do something,” I said. “You have to have faith in Jesus Christ and the power of the priesthood. Do you have faith that the Lord can help you and heal you?”

“Yes, Papá,” he told me, “I do have faith.”

I anointed Alan, and then Hector, Carlos, and I gave him a blessing, with Hector sealing the anointing. Hector’s words were simple, but we all felt the powerful presence of the Holy Ghost.

Alan’s breathing slowed, and his vital signs stabilized almost immediately. The wind stopped, a calmness settled over us, and some of the men began to weep. It was a cold fall day, but afterward, Alan said he felt warmer as Hector pronounced the blessing.

Soon the helicopter arrived, and I joined Alan on the flight to the hospital. When we landed, he was rushed inside, where he underwent several examinations and tests, including an MRI. As I waited, I expected the worst. But the worst never came. Doctors found no internal injuries and no broken femur, hip, arm, or ribs—nothing.

“Alan,” one of the doctors told him, “it looks like you can go home tonight.”

Alan had difficulty walking, so he stayed overnight in the hospital for observation. When we brought him home the next morning, he wore only a brace on his left wrist. Six weeks later, he was preparing for soccer season.

a father and his son walking down the street

A week after the accident, we went to Mike’s house to thank him for his help. He could hardly believe his eyes when Alan walked in and sat on his couch.

“I’ve taken care of a lot of people, and I’ve seen a lot of people pass away,” he told us. “Medically, Alan should not have made it. What I saw that day was truly miraculous. It was divine intervention.”

I know that the priesthood is the power of God on earth. It comes directly from the Lord Jesus Christ, who restored His Church through the Prophet Joseph Smith. I also know that in the name of Jesus Christ, and by priesthood authority and faith, we can work miracles.
