January 2019

“Youth,” Liahona, January 2019


young woman in church

What if I left? When I first moved here, there were only two other young women in my branch. We became friends and I got to know them very well. But they stopped going to church.

One time when I went to the temple, I saw the mission president. I told him about my friends and asked what I could do to help them return to the Church. He told me to stay where I was, be strong, and pray for them.

Soon after that, I saw one of the girls, and I was so happy to see her. When I returned home that night, I prayed and felt strongly that I definitely needed to stay right where I was and keep going to church, keep going to seminary, and keep being an example to my friends. What if I left and never came back and one of my friends returned to church? Who would be their friend and help them return?

Things are easier when we do them together.

Alyona, Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine
