Our Page
July 2014

“Our Page,” Liahona, July 2014, 72

Our Page

In our Primary presentation one year, I played the piano for “I Lived in Heaven.” The next year I led the sign language for “I Love to See the Temple.” The next year my goal was to learn “If I Listen with My Heart.” I know the Lord gave me talents, and I should develop them and use them to bless others—then my talents will grow. I know that I am a daughter of God and that Jesus Christ gave His life for me.

Luna Marisol I., age 8, Argentina

Satya S., age 11, Indonesia

Satya S., age 11, Indonesia

“Book of Mormon,” William M., age 10, Brazil

“Book of Mormon,” William M., age 10, Brazil

Lady Q., age 9, Ecuador

Lady Q., age 9, Ecuador

Lesslie Q., age 6, Ecuador

Lesslie Q., age 6, Ecuador
