“Elder Larry W. Gibbons Of the Seventy,” Liahona, May 2006, 128
Elder Larry W. Gibbons
Of the Seventy

Elder Larry Wayne Gibbons of the Seventy has a philosophy: “If you have a choice between two challenges, take the toughest—the one that will stretch you most. The times my testimony has grown the most were when I faced the greatest challenges.”
Born to Andrew H. and Lola Heaton Gibbons on July 30, 1942, in Logan, Utah, USA, Elder Gibbons has had myriad opportunities to develop that philosophy. He served a mission in the Netherlands, one of the greatest periods of growth in his life. While he was away, his father died, and he had to choose between a local university near home to help his mother and the away-from-home challenges of Stanford University. At his family’s urging, he returned to Stanford, where he studied history. He chose to be a physician, earning his medical degree from the University of Utah and a master of public health degree from Harvard University.
While at medical school, Elder Gibbons married LaDawn Anderson on July 21, 1967, in the Logan Utah Temple. After time in Seattle, San Antonio, and Boston, they settled in Dallas, Texas, USA. They have two children.
Though we don’t get to choose our callings, choosing to accept them brings stretching experiences as well, says Elder Gibbons. Now a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy, he was among the first Area Seventies. He says, “Accompanying members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles—studying together, kneeling together, and receiving revelation on calling a new stake president—that was a time of tremendous spiritual growth.”
Elder Gibbons has also grown as a regional representative, stake president, stake president’s counselor, seminary teacher, and others.
To make good choices and take on the right challenges, Elder Gibbons says, it’s important to establish priorities early. “Spend your time and your best efforts on things that matter eternally.”