January 2004


The First Presidency: Gordon B. Hinckley, Thomas S. Monson, James E. Faust

Quorum of the Twelve: Boyd K. Packer, L. Tom Perry, David B. Haight, Neal A. Maxwell, Russell M. Nelson, Dallin H. Oaks, M. Russell Ballard, Joseph B. Wirthlin, Richard G. Scott, Robert D. Hales, Jeffrey R. Holland, Henry B. Eyring

Editor: Dennis B. Neuenschwander
Advisers: E. Ray Bateman, Monte J. Brough, Jay E. Jensen, Stephen A. West
Managing Director: David Frischknecht
Planning and Editorial Director: Victor D. Cave
Graphics Director: Allan R. Loyborg

Magazines Editorial Director: Richard M. Romney
Managing Editor: Marvin K. Gardner
Editorial Staff: Collette Nebeker Aune, Susan Barrett, Ryan Carr, Linda Stahle Cooper, LaRene Porter Gaunt, Shanna Ghaznavi, Jenifer L. Greenwood, Lisa Ann Jackson, Carrie Kasten, Melvin Leavitt, Sally J. Odekirk, Adam C. Olson, Judith M. Paller, Rebecca M. Taylor, Roger Terry, Janet Thomas, Paul VanDenBerghe, Julie Wardell, Kimberly Webb, Monica Weeks

Magazine Art Manager: M. M. Kawasaki
Art Director: Scott Van Kampen
Production Manager: Jane Ann Peters
Design and Production Staff: Kelli Allen-Pratt, Fay P. Andrus, C. Kimball Bott, Howard G. Brown, Thomas S. Child, Reginald J. Christensen, Brent Christison, Kerry Lynn C. Herrin, Kathleen Howard, Denise Kirby, Tadd R. Peterson, Randall J. Pixton, Mark W. Robison, Brad Teare, Kari A. Todd, Claudia E. Warner

Marketing Manager: Larry Hiller
Printing Director: Craig K. Sedgwick
Distribution Director: Kris T. Christensen

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For Readers in the United States and Canada: January 2004 Vol. 28 No. 1. LIAHONA (USPS 311-480) English (ISSN 1080-9554) is published monthly by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150. USA subscription price is $10.00 per year; Canada, $16.00 plus applicable taxes. Periodicals Postage Paid at Salt Lake City, Utah, and at additional mailing offices. Sixty days’ notice required for change of address. Include address label from a recent issue; old and new address must be included. Send USA and Canadian subscriptions to Salt Lake Distribution Center at address below. Subscription help line: 1-800-537-5971. Credit card orders (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) may be taken by phone. (Canada Post Information: Publication Agreement #40017431)

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