Look and Learn: A General Conference Activity
April 1998

“Look and Learn: A General Conference Activity,” Liahona, Apr. 1998, 12

Look and Learn:

A General Conference Activity

Each April and October, a general conference of the Church is held in Salt Lake City. During these conferences, our Church leaders speak to us and help us learn the teachings of Jesus Christ and understand the things he wants us to do.

This General Authority wheel will help you recognize the names and faces of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. If you learn them now, you can test your memory when you see their pictures in the conference edition of the Ensign.

For a family home evening activity, you and your family can read and discuss the conference talks. Then ask your family to help you write on the “Remember” chart an important message each General Authority gave.


Remove page 13 from the magazine and mount it on heavy paper or lightweight cardboard. Cut out the picture wheel and pointer. Carefully cut out the window in the pointer along the broken lines. Then cut the flap on the other end of the pointer only along the broken lines. With a fastener, attach the pointer to the picture wheel, matching the dot on the pointer with the dot on the wheel.

Turn the pointer to any General Authority and try to remember his name and calling. Check to see if you are right by lifting the flap on the pointer.


President Gordon B. Hinckley

Elder David B. Haight

Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

President Thomas S. Monson

Elder Neal A. Maxwell

Elder Richard G. Scott

President James E. Faust

Elder Russell M. Nelson

Elder Robert D. Hales

President Boyd K. Packer

Elder Dallin H. Oaks

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Elder L. Tom Perry

Elder M. Russell Ballard

Elder Henry B. Eyring
