“Follow Jesus Christ and Do What Matters Most,” For the Strength of Youth, Apr. 2023.
Come, Follow Me
Follow Jesus Christ and Do What Matters Most
Jesus Christ invites us to follow Him and keep His commandments.
Sometimes this means giving up things we want and enjoy.
For something better!
The Bible talks about a rich young ruler who tried to obey God’s commandments.
One day, he ran to Jesus and asked what else he needed to do. Jesus told him to sell everything he had, give to the poor, and follow Him.
The young ruler was discouraged. He didn’t want to let go of his nice things.
Jesus Christ invites us to change, follow Him, and give up things we may like—even good things—for things that matter most.
As we focus on Jesus Christ and follow His example and teachings, we can be guided to know what we should do.
He loves and knows us individually. He knows what’s best for us.
What might you give up to follow Him more closely?