“A Test of Faith,” For the Strength of Youth, Sept. 2021, 18–19. Come, Follow Me A Test of Faith Written by Eric B. Murdock Illustrated by Darren Rawlings Doctrine and Covenants 103–105 Imagemobs burning homes 1833. Jackson County, Missouri, USA. Mobs forced the Saints living there to leave their homes. ImageJoseph Smith praying Joseph Smith wondered what to do. Soon a revelation came. Joseph was told to recruit men to travel to Missouri and help the Saints regain their homes. Imagepeople traveling Joseph left for Missouri with a group of volunteers. The group later became known as Zion’s Camp. The journey was hard at times, but many enjoyed it. Imageman with gun by a river After a month of marching, the camp stopped near a river. They heard that men on the other side were waiting to attack them. Imagemen talking What will we do? ImageJoseph Smith Stand still … … and see the salvation of God. Imagestorm Soon a storm came. Imagemen in storm God is in this storm! Imagemen by overflowing river The rain caused the river to rise so much that the camp’s enemies couldn’t cross it. Imagemen with rays of sunshine After a few days, Joseph received a revelation that it was time to return home, even though they hadn’t helped the Missouri Saints return to their homes. ImageJoseph Smith The Lord has accepted our efforts. We have been brought this far for a trial of our faith. (See Doctrine and Covenants 105:19.) Some thought the journey was a failure. Imageagitated man We came all this way for nothing! Imageagitated man Why are we going home before helping the Saints here? Most saw it as a privilege to be with the Prophet and to learn from him. Imagemen Zion’s Camp helped prepare future leaders of the Church. Eight men who marched with Zion’s Camp were called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.