“Young Women and the Priesthood,” For the Strength of Youth, Aug. 2021, 14–15.
Come, Follow Me
Young Women and the Priesthood
Photograph from Getty Images
The priesthood of God is amazing. If you’re a young woman, it might be hard to understand how it relates to you. So where do you start?
Here are some common questions you may have, and some answers:
First of all, what is the priesthood?
“The priesthood is a divine power and authority held in trust to be used for God’s work for the benefit of all of His children.”1
The priesthood is a gift from Heavenly Father to bless all His children, both female and male.
What is priesthood authority?
“The authorization to represent God and act in His name.”2 It’s exercised under the direction of those with priesthood keys. Worthy males can receive priesthood authority by conferral and ordination. This authority also allows all members to act in callings and assignments by, for instance, presiding in meetings, teaching, and receiving revelation for those callings and assignments.
What are priesthood keys?
“Priesthood keys are the authority to direct the use of the priesthood on behalf of God’s children. The use of all priesthood authority in the Church is directed by those who hold priesthood keys (see Doctrine and Covenants 65:2).”3
What is the difference between priesthood power and priesthood authority?
Priesthood power in your personal life facilitates:
Guidance from the Holy Ghost.
Revelation for yourself.
Priesthood authority allows you to:
Act in your callings.
Preside in meetings.
Receive revelation in callings.
Do young women receive priesthood power?
Yes. “Priesthood power is the power by which God blesses His children. God’s priesthood power flows to all members of the Church—female and male—as they keep the covenants they have made with Him. Members make these covenants as they receive priesthood ordinances. (See Doctrine and Covenants 84:19–20.)”4
Can young women exercise priesthood authority?
In certain circumstances, yes. President Russell M. Nelson told the young women of the Church: “When you are set apart to serve in a calling under the direction of one who holds priesthood keys—such as your bishop or stake president—you are given priesthood authority to function in that calling.”5
Do young women hold priesthood keys?
No. Jesus Christ holds all priesthood keys. Under His direction, they are given only to men with specific callings. For youth, the deacons quorum and teachers quorum presidents hold keys.
Young women have access to the priesthood.
While you may not hold priesthood keys, you have the authority to act in your callings because you were set apart under the direction of someone with priesthood keys. You are blessed with God’s power as you serve others and receive spiritual guidance. You also have the opportunity to receive all the blessings of the priesthood that Heavenly Father has given us.
If you don’t understand everything about the priesthood yet, don’t worry. As you search the scriptures and study the words of modern-day Church leaders, the Lord will help you learn more about your access to priesthood power, priesthood authority and priesthood blessings.