5 Ways to Stand Up to Bullies
August 2024

“5 Ways to Stand Up to Bullies,” Friend, June 2024, 39.

5 Things

5 Ways to Stand Up to Bullies

Children holding up signs and data-posters

Illustration by Mark Robison

It can be scary to face a bully. But you have Jesus Christ’s perfect example to follow, and you have His strength with you. When someone is being unkind to you or others, you can be stand up for what is right! Here are five ways:

  1. Tell the person to stop. In a firm voice, tell the person to stop treating you or someone else unkindly. Think about the times Jesus Christ stood up to people who were being unkind to Him and others (see John 8:3–11). He will help you do the same.

  2. Walk away. Sometimes walking away is the bravest thing a person can do. Take a deep breath and walk away. If you see someone being bullied, go over and ask them to come with you, and just walk away together.

  3. Pray. Prayer is powerful! Pray for courage and compassion. It might sound odd, but pray for the bully too! “Pray to your Heavenly Father,” said Elder Neil L. Andersen. “ … He will guide you in what to do. He will open doors, remove roadblocks, and help you overcome obstacles.”

  4. Remember your worth as a child of God. It doesn’t matter what anyone says to or about you—it will never change how much Heavenly Father loves you. Hold this truth close to your heart, and you will feel stronger and braver. Always treat others as children of God too.

  5. Be kind. You can be an example of kindness. Jesus Christ taught us that this is the best way to deal with bullies. “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” (Matthew 5:44).

  • “It’s a Miracle,” Liahona, May 2013, 80.