What’s on Your Mind?
July 2024

“What’s on Your Mind?” Friend, July 2024, 38.

What’s on Your Mind?

I get really sad and mad when things don’t happen how I want. What can I do?

—Quitting in Quebec

Children displaying different emotions

Dear Quitting,

We all feel sad or mad when things don’t happen like we want. Remember that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you and want what is best for you. They can help you with difficult feelings. Sometimes we grow the most when things are hard!

If you keep feeling discouraged, talk to a trusted grown-up. Then try one of these ideas. Write in your own ideas too.

Things will be OK!

The Friend

What I Can Do

  • Take a deep breath and pray for help.

  • Play outside or do something else to take a break.

  • Write or draw about my feelings.

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What I Can Say

  • “Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love me and will help me.”

  • “I am learning, and I can try again.”

  • “I am doing my best, and I will be OK!”

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