What’s on Your Mind?
January 2022

“What’s on Your Mind?” Friend, January 2022

What’s on Your Mind?

I want to set a new goal for Children and Youth. But I don’t know where to start! Do you have any ideas?

—Growing in Guatemala

Page from the January 2022 Friend Magazine.

Dear Growing,

Way to go! Setting a goal can help you learn and become more like Jesus. And Heavenly Father will help you!

You could start by praying. Then write down any thoughts that come to mind. When you pick a goal, ask a parent or leader to help you make a plan. You can use your Children’s Guidebook for help too!

The Friend

Circle the activities that you’d like to try. Write your own ideas in the blanks. Then put a star next to the goal you want to work on next!


  • Put on a play or puppet show about your favorite scripture story.

  • Memorize a favorite scripture.

  • _______________________________________________


  • Learn to say a few things in a new language.

  • Read a new book.

  • _______________________________________________


  • Spend time serving and getting to know older people.

  • Go to a cultural celebration. Learn about traditions from other countries.

  • _______________________________________________


  • Learn to swim, ride a bike, or play a new sport.

  • Grow a plant or garden.

  • _______________________________________________

Illustrations by Nicole Walkenhorst