Food and Fun
November 2019

“Food and Fun,” Friend, November 2019

Food & Fun

Product Shot from November 2019 Friend

Hokey-pokey illustrations by Adobe Stock; kiwi illustration by Mark Robison

Hokey Pokey!

A popular flavor of ice cream in New Zealand is hokey-pokey, or honeycomb toffee. Here’s how to make a version at home. Be sure to get an adult’s help.

1 cup white sugar

1/4 cup golden syrup or light corn syrup

1/3 cup water

2 teaspoons baking soda

vanilla ice cream

  1. Line a tray with wax paper. Measure the baking soda so it will be ready later.

  2. Mix the sugar, syrup, and water in a large pot. Then turn the stove to low heat.

  3. Let the mixture melt together. Do not stir!

  4. When the sugar has dissolved, turn up the heat to medium and let it bubble for three minutes (without stirring), or until it reaches 300°F (150°C).

  5. Remove from heat. Quickly whisk in the baking soda for a few seconds and let the mixture foam up. Then quickly pour it onto the wax paper. Don’t flatten it with a spatula, or the bubbles will disappear.

  6. Let the toffee cool at least an hour. Then break it into pieces and mix into vanilla ice cream.

Kiwi Quest

Here are some fun words from New Zealand. Now find them in the word search! As a bonus, the puzzle itself is shaped like the country’s national bird: the kiwi.

  • chocka: full

  • gumboots: rubber boots/galoshes

  • haka: a ceremonial dance

  • hongi: a traditional greeting made by touching foreheads and noses together

  • kiwi: a flightless bird and a symbol of New Zealand

  • togs: swimming suits/swimwear

  • tramping: hiking

  • wop-wop: the middle of nowhere