November 2013

Through Your Eyes

frozen waterfall

Heavenly Father blesses my life by creating the seasons. Without winter there would be no snow.

Madison L., age 11, Colorado

Do you like taking photos? We’d like to see your best shots about how Heavenly Father blesses your life. Email them to friend@ldschurch.org and include your name, age, and where you’re from. Please also include a sentence explaining how your picture shows Heavenly Father’s blessings in your life. Remember, we can’t publish your submission without a parent’s permission in the email. If there are people in the photo, we also need to know that they gave their permission to be photographed. We’re looking forward to seeing Heavenly Father’s blessings through your eyes!

What’s online?

  • Watch the video “In the Spirit of Thanksgiving” at lds.org/friend. What are you thankful for?

  • Listen to stories and songs from the Friend! Go to lds.org/friend and click on “Friend Podcast” to download stories for car trips and quiet time.