Crossword Magic!
March 1983

“Crossword Magic!” Friend, Mar. 1983, 16

Crossword Magic!

“Presto chango!” With these words Marvel the Magician made all his animals disappear. To find them, fill in the puzzle according to the definitions.

Crossword puzzle


  1. Bird

  2. Lawn weed

  3. Feline pet

  4. Wand

  5. To sound a horn

  6. Rodent

  7. Crazy


  1. Tiny, tart fruit

  2. Canine pet

  3. Shellfish with large claws

  4. Weed having yellow flower

  5. Portable lamp

  6. Cattle herder

  7. Tiny fly

  8. Female chicken


  • Across—(3) fowl, (7) crabgrass, (9) cat, (10) baton, (11) beep, (13) rat, (14) loony. Down—(1) gooseberry, (2) dog, (4) lobster, (5) dandelion, (6) lantern, (7) cowboy, (8) gnat, (12) hen.