Bicentennial Games
July 1976

“Bicentennial Games,” Friend, July 1976, 26

Bicentennial Games

July Crossword

By Roberta L. Fairall

Crossword puzzle


2. Animal used for riding.

5. Seat for horseback rider.

6. _______, white, and blue.

7. Small flute.

9. Group of marchers make up a _______.

12. Respectful form of address to a man.

14. Having two parts.


1. Persons in military service.

3. At any time.

4. Group of musicians.

5. Sliding motion.

8. Fourth tone on musical scale.

10. Lafayette came to the _____ of the colonies.

11. Percussion instrument.

13. Stars and Stripes.


  • Across—(2) horse, (5) saddle, (6) red, (7) fife, (9) parade, (12) sir, (14) dual. Down—(1) soldiers, (3) ever, (4) band, (5) slip, (8) fa, (10) aid, (11) drum, (13) flag.