Perspective on Those Dark and Gloomy Times
February 2020

“Perspective on Those Dark and Gloomy Times,” Ensign, February 2020

Young Adults

Perspective on Those Dark and Gloomy Times

young adult smiling under umbrella

Photograph from Getty Images

We’ve all had dark and gloomy days where we feel like nothing’s going right. During those moments we may ask ourselves, “Why me? Why now? How am I going to endure this?” Fortunately, we haven’t been left alone. We can count on the loving guidance of our Heavenly Father.

When I was younger, I used to complain about and question the adversity I faced—until something happened that impacted my life forever: I had an accident in which I completely lost the fingers on my left hand. As hard as that was to endure, that trial taught me to trust in Heavenly Father. And, in spite of everything, I learned to be optimistic and grateful. Something in me changed completely, and I felt how Heavenly Father extends His love to us and leads us through all of the difficult things we go through in life. You can read my story in the digital version of this issue.

You’ll also find stories from young adults who will show you how to be happy in the midst of purifying fire, how to look forward with faith, how to find purpose in your trials, how it’s OK to ask for help, and how to have more faith in the healing power of Jesus Christ.

I know with all my heart that every difficulty—every dark and gloomy time in our lives—can lead to a sacred purpose and that that purpose is to refine us and change us so that one day we can ultimately become perfect like our Heavenly Father.


Jennifer Enamorado